🌊⚓ Chapter 4 ⚓🌊

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***Authors Note: Here is you update. Enjoy.***

Anthony's POV

See here's the thing. This mystery girl was pretty popular. I received a call from Caleb and Cade about her, but I also received a call from Rafeal Montreal.

Both sent me a picture of this girl, and both claimed that she was a long lost relative. I planned to meet up with Rafeal after I met up with Caleb and Cade. I don't know Rafeal personally, but Justin asked me to take this case.

I have no clue which of them is actually telling the truth, but I'm going to find out. Normally, I wouldn't care. I would get the girl, get my money, and that would be the end of it. Something about this girl just seems so familiar though.

I check the time on my phone, Cade and Caleb should be here in 5 minutes. I order my food and wait. I hear the bell above the door jingle, and there they are. They make their way over to my table and take a seat.

The waitress comes around again and takes their order. When she walks away, we began discussing business.

They pull out a few pictures and a few lineage charts.

"This is my sister Leigh Anna. She had a baby in her early 20s, but our parents forced her to give the baby up for adoption. Now she is getting up in age, and before she dies she wants to meet her daughter."

I look at Caleb the whole time he is speaking, studying his mannerisms. Everyone has a small tick that gives them away when they lie. His was the vein desperately trying to separate itself from his forehead.

"So why did she wait until she was on hey dying bed to decide she wanted to meet some long lost daughter? Chances are, after waiting so long, that she probably would have never been able to find her."

"When my aunt was forced to give her daughter up, it sent her into a downward spiral. Her daughter and I would be about the same age. Once they saw how greatly this affected Leigh Anna, my grandparents were devastated. They tried to find the child, but they never had any success. There was never enough information. Through a friend, they were able to obtain the names of every family that left the hospital with a baby around the time of the girl's birth."

Their story was plausible. There was nothing suggesting that it was a lie, but still, something was off. Normally, I didn't care. I have no morals, I'm an assassin for hire. You call me to get the job done, not to play a guessing game. But, the way that I do business is different from everyone else in this line of work. I don't care about the job, but when you give me information, I expect you to tell me everything. One lie, could potentially put my team in unnecessary danger. That was something that I refuse to tolerate.

I spoke to them for a little while longer, gathering all the information that I could from them. When I left from talking to them I went to met up with Rafeal. We planned to meet up at a little cafe' not too far from where I had my other meeting, so I wasn't surprised that I had made it there first. Well, that is if you didn't count the four armed men, that I assume Rafeal sent to check me out. This was going to be interesting.

I had just finished my second scone and I was half way done with my drink, when Rafeal finally made his entrance. He made his way to my table with a grimace on his face, and a bit of an unsteady gait. My guess was that he had been injured in the last week. Under his right arm, there was a folder poking out. He sat at the table and just looked at me for a minute.

Finally, he spoke. "You look mighty young for the status that you have obtained in your line of work. That makes me wonder if maybe you are living off of the legacy of someone else. Maybe this legacy helps you to conceal your inexperience, perhaps? Why should I trust you with a job that I deem to be of the utmost importance?"

"If you really believed that my 'legacy' was riding upon that coattails of another, I'm sure that you wouldn't have contacted me. You see, from what I have observed, I presume that you are a very busy man. What other reason would there be for you to have four men stationed throughout this cafe' ready to shoot me at your signal? Based on this assumption, I know that you had my references verified and did a thorough investigation on me. A man like you wouldn't waste his time nor his resources on someone he though was less than legit. Let's cut to the chase why don't we? Or, if you would prefer, I can pinpoint the exact bone you broke last week and reset it without a doctor present."

I had a feeling the guys had com units, and when they clench their guns in response to what I had said, that feeling was confirmed. Rafeal's face transformed into a grin.

"I guess Justin really knew what he was talking about." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Let's discuss business. As you have aforementioned, I am a very busy man. Because I am so busy, I was unable to care for my daughters in the manner that they needed. I searched for a couple trying to start a family. A couple with enough love in their hearts, to protect my daughters at all costs. See, their mother died in childbirth and they were my most precious possessions. Due to my line of work, they would have become targets in an attempt to find my weakness. Look at me, I am an old man. Pretty soon, I will no longer be able to continue my business."

He pulled out a stack of pictures.

"I recently heard that someone is looking for my daughter. What they failed to realize, is that I have two daughters. The problem is though, if they find one they will find the other. I do not know the name of my daughters. I told the family to re-name them and not to tell it to me. I haven't been able to track them down for years. The last contact I had with them was before the house fire."

"I tracked you down because you lived right next door to them when the fire broke out."

He began to riffle through the pictures until he found the one that he had been searching for. He slid the picture towards me. I looked at the picture and then I looked back at him.

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