🌊⚓Chapter 20⚓🌊

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Author's Note: Hi lovelies, it's been a while. Here is your update. Enjoy💋💋

Anthony's POV

Kayla pinned me to the wall, and now I'm faced with the worst situation possible. If I couldn't fix this, the love of my life and my younger brother are as good as dead.

She walked up to D'Mayo as soon before I could free myself from her knife. How did she even get that through security?

"Kayla, stop!" I yelled, hoping she would Listen. Why was she so stubborn?

"This has to be done, Antoni. I love you." She turned and looked towards D'Mayo."Let's make a deal."

"Sorry dear, but you're not exactly in a position to be proposing deals." He smirked as he lifted his left brow.

"Well if we can't make a deal, then I guess it's time for me to go." She then turned and began to walk away.

"Not so fast," D'Mayo said with a smirk.
"You didn't think that I would let you leave just like that did you?" He snapped his fingers, and 5 of his men surrounded Kayla.

Why did she have to do something so stupid? Why did Rafe let her?

"We have what we came for," D'Mayo announced. "I no longer need the boy," he said right before he pushed Ace away from him.

Leah grabbed him and made sure he was out of harm's way.

**************************************Unknown POV

"Boss, everyone is here except Gustavo. Do you want ant us to continue to wait or strike now?"

"Patience is a virtue, Aiden. If we rush into this now, it will ruin the whole plan."

Why does this fool think that he knows more than me? I rebuilt my father's empire from nothing. The final piece will be when I get rid of Gustavo and D'Mayo.

"Wait for my signal Aiden." I hung up the phone and placed it on my desk.
I looked towards Kayla, but her gaze was focused on Ace. It was almost as of she was waiting for something. She watched him until he walked outside. D'Mayo tried to drag her away, but she kept resisting his attempts.

Once Ace and Leah disappeared, Kayla finally looked my way. She winked at me, and the lights went off. Everything erupted in chaos. Gunshots began going off everywhere. My only concern was trying to get to Kayla.

It was hard trying to navigate in the dark, but I used my watch to track her location. It's a good thing Rafe and I had those tracking devices embedded in her dress.

Finally, the lights came back on and Gustavo was right in front of D'Mayo. I searched the room until my eyes finally found Kayla. She was safe, standing on the side of Rafe.

"Anthony, take my sister and go, I'll handle this." Rafe pushed Kayla my way and began walking towards D'Mayo.

I grabbed Kayla and made my way to the exit.

"Don't let her get away!" He yelled out to his men.

Kayla's eyes met mine and we began to run. We made it out into the parking lot before the first shot rang out. I unlocked the door and Kayla got in.

The back glass shattered right as I was closing the door. I grabbed my gun and fired back. I jumped into the car and sped away.

"They're right behind us, " Kayla said after they turned the corner.

"Time to lose them, " I quickly made the block and pulled into a garage owned by a friend.

"Spence, I need a car now" I yelled as the doors to the garage closed.

"What the fuck you did this time?" He asked in annoyance. He thinks that I am careless with cars.

"Kidnapped a beautiful girl." I replied with a smile.

"Sounds about right. Take the Camero. Remember not to mess her up. She's my baby." He replied as he ran his hand along the hood.

"I will get it back to you later."

"In pieces, I bet." He replied as he shook his head and entered the car I had just vacated.

He went out of the door first, D'Myao's men chased after him. Once I was sure they were out of sight, I brought the Camaro out onto the street.

"I hate that we had to leave Rafe and now your friend is involved in this." Kayla said as she played with her fingers.

I grabbed her hand and borough it to my lips, "They can handle themselves, baby."

"I hope you're right."

The car was silent for the rest of the ride. By the time we made it to the safe house, Rafe was standing at the door.

Kayla rushed out of the car and embraced her brother. Once everyone was inside, I closed the door. We all talked for a while until I pulled Rafe aside.

"It looks like my hunch was right." He looked around the room and noticed that Aiden was missing.

"I guess it was." He said as we walked away from the others. While we were at the event, Justin and a few of our other guys moved the girls to another safe house.

We couldn't quite figure out how D'Mayo found out where we were to deliver the letter, but we suspected that Aiden had something to do with it.

Kayla entered the kitchen.

"I'll give the two of you a moment," Rafe said before he walked out of the room.

Kayla hesitantly walked my way. When she was withing arm distance, I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"I am so pissed at you. I could have lost you. Did you think about that?" I asked as I crushed her to me.

"I had to get your brother back Antoni." She replied.

I lifted her chin until her eyes met mine. I pulled her face close to mines.

"I hope you had fun disobeying me. I plan to give you obedience lessons for the rest of the night."

I watched as her cheeks turned red and she became flustered. I grabbed her hand and led her to an empty room.

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