🌊⚓Chapter 16⚓🌊

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***Author's note: I know I took long as hell, but I finally updated.💋 Here are 4 Chapters. I should update again by the end of next week.***

Anthony's POV

Kayla tried to get off my lap, but I grabbed ahold of her waist. Why did Rafe have to ruin the moment man?

"This is the room that we picked." I replied as I pulled Kayla in for another kiss, but she turned her face at the last minute. Wrong move. I was going in for a simple kiss, now I'm about to turn up the heat. I sucked her earlobe into my mouth and lightly scraped it with my teeth. Kayla gripped my shirt then moaned, and I almost forgot we had an audience.

"I ship Kayn. What do you think Niyah?" Taylor asked with a devilish smirk.

"I think it Kayn work." Niyah replied.

"If it did, it would still be better than Nastin." Kayla said with a smirk of her own.

Now I'm confused. Why are we talking about antifungals? The question is burning a hole in my mind, but I can't bring myself to ask.

"Wait hold up, why yall talking about antifungals? One of yall need to see the gynecologist?" Rafe asked in alarm.

This made the girls laugh even harder. Justin's cheeks began to turn red as he and Niyah refused to make eye contact. I hadn't noticed that they had something going on. I was so focused on Kayla that I missed everything else.

"It's their ship name. Aren't Niyah and Justin cute?" Taylor asked with a smile on her face.

I noticed Kayla trying to slip away amid the chaos of Taylor explaining what "ship" means.

She turned the corner and walked further down the hallway.

"Where are you going?" I asked, effectively scaring the shit out of her.

"I just want to rest. The past few days have been really stressful. There is just so much going on that I feel both physically and mentally drained." She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. She pressed the side of her face against the door as she closed her eyes.

"I am here if you need to talk K-Bear." I told her as I cupped the side of her face with my left hand.

"That's part of the problem Antoni," she replied with a sigh. "My thoughts feel so conflicted... My whole life has been turned upside down. It's as if I have to re-learn who I am."

As the last sentenced slipped past her lush lips, a tear began to slide down her face.

"Go rest. Don't try to figure any of this out right now. We will talk about all of this when you are ready."

I had to give her time to decide if she wanted to talk about what was going on. It wouldn't be fair to force anything out of her, especially after she gave me the space I needed.

"Thank you Anthony," she said right before she entered the room she was leaning against.

I walked back towards the living room to find it empty. I passed through on my way to the kitchen. As soon as I cleared the doorway, I saw Rafe and Taylor kissing against the refrigerator.

"See, I knew the only reason you was cock blocking was because you was jealous." I said, causing them to jump apart.

Taylor turned as red as a tomato. I don't know how I didn't realize this sooner.
"Man, don't nobody want to see some guy sucking their sister's face off." Rafe said while raising his left brow.

"True enough," I replied with a shrug.
Have you seen Aiden? We need to plan shifts for the night."

"Sorry, I haven't seen him since everyone left out of the living room."

That's strange. Gustavo painted Aiden to be a very dependable person. Something in my gut is telling me not to trust him. So far, he hasn't really done anything suspicious... Maybe I'm just reading too much into things.

Unknown POV

I sat back in my chair waiting for a text from Aiden. He had successfully infiltrated the two mafia bosses that I wanted to take down.

I grabbed the picture of my father.

"My son, always remember this. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer."

I placed the picture back on mu desk. My finger tapped against the desk in anticipation. Finally, the phone began to ring.

"I have been waiting for your call, Aiden."

"Hey boss. I was thinking..."

"Aiden, I do not pay you to think. I pay you to follow orders. Right now, I am ordering you to carry out you mission to a 'T'. Do not deviate from the plan in any way. If this shit blows up, you're dead."

I hang up the phone and lean back in my chair. If Aiden wants to fuck with me, he better be ready to receive the same fate as the men currently on my hit list.

"Carlos," I called my second in command. I think Aiden might need a bit of an incentive. We can send someone to watch Aiden and make sure everything goes smoothly.


I finally found him checking the perimeter. I guess I was just being paranoid.

"Hey, since it's four of us, I think that we should take shifts. Two of us can sleep while the other two protect the girls and then we can switch. This way, we should all be well rested, and the girls will always have full coverage."

"I was wondering how you wanted to do things. Hopefully this time, there will be no surprises. I want to do the first shift," Aiden replied.

"Let's talk about it more with Rafe and Justin."

We began walking back towards the house. I felt like someone was watching us. I looked towards the trees, but I didn't see anyone... Maybe I just need some rest.

We finally met up with Rafe and Justin. Justin and Aiden were going to take the first shift, and Rafe and I would take the second shift.

I walked through the halls on my way to bed. As I was walking past the room where Kayla was, I noticed the door was opened a bit.

I opened the door fully and walked around to make sure the room was secure. After making sure that the windows were locked, I began to walk out of the room.

Right before I walked out of the room, I heard Kayla whisper my name. When I looked her way, she was fast asleep with a smile playing upon her face.

"Goodnight beautiful," I whispered before I closed the door.

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