The rush

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Benjamin's pov

"If you cant hang, theres the fucking door Slim. Im not forcing you to stay!" I shout as I rip off my booty shorts. I yank on a silk robe before storming back outside my room to finush arguing with my friend. "We've been gone nearly a fucking month! My fam misses me bruh, I don't wanna leave you here but I cant stay." Slim sighs as I come into his veiw.

"Besides, don't your boyfriend miss you?" He throws at me as he continues to stuff his backpack. "Hes not my boyfriend, as if thats your fucking business! Just go." I hiss, stomping past him to the bathroom.

I purposefully bump his shoulder as I walk past, slamming the bathroom door behind myself. As I step on the toliet seat to reach the ceiling I can hear Slim walking around- most likely packing the rest of his things. I press on one of the panels directly above my head, my hand searching until I brush against something cool to the touch.

I pull out my small mirror and coke, setting them on the bathroom sink counter before pushing my hand back into the ceiling. I grab my old phone, Im currently using a burner I switch out every few days. Pulling that out i close the ceiling back up before preping my drug of the day whilst I wait for my phone to turn back on.

After I lay out a few lines, my cell dings on as the front door slams shut harshly. Alone again, alone again.

I ignore my thoughts and I quickly sniff up a more lines than usual. As the rush settles in my body, I glance at my phone screen to see Edwards face as my old screen saver. I smile dully, briefly wondering if he misses me.

Fuck why do I care?

In a flash of sudden rage, I pluck the offensive object from the sink and throw it against the wall. That wasn't enough. I go to set up another line only to see that there isn't enough before deciding to drive to the strip club.

I know I can find something on that street. And with that thought, I get dressed without a seconds hesitation.

-----3 hours later-----

With the rush of the cocktail of drugs and alcohol in my system it was easy to ignore the older man hanging off my shoulder. I try to stand but fall back into the couch, giggling at my failure. "Wanna go back to mine?" He whispers breathy into my ear once my giggles end.

I look up the the man, long since having forgotten his name. He looked older than Charlie, his hair almost completely white or gray and deep wrinkles on his forehead. His green eyes shone bright, his teeth too white for his aging face. He definitely looks like one of those men who gets off on being somebody's Daddy if you catch my drift.

I let my eyes trail down his lush suit, falling to his shiny shoes before shrugging, making myself almost fall if it hadnt been for him catching me. " wanna be my daddy?" I slur out, my lips long since numb.

He smirks, his teeth shinning almost ominously. "Ill be whoever you want." He tells my lecherously and I smile. "Eddie." I mumble, nodding as I reach and polish off my last shot.

I watch New Edward stand, and he helps me up, letting me lean heavily on him. We stumble out the club, or more like Im stumbling and hes helping me stay upright.

By the time im aware of my surroundings once again, Im in a car as New Edward talks to me. I mustve blacked out a little. I look out the window, seeing a flash of hair but that could just be the drugs.

"Did you see tha?" I point, too slow as its already long gone. "See what?"

"Thought...thought I saw somethin...where are we going?" My speech is slurred and I look back at New Edward.

"To a motel." I frown at the implications, I want real Edward. I want my Eddie. "No..I...I wanna go home."

"You said you wanted to before we left the club, and besides, I spend over 100 dollars on your junkie ass. Im getting something."


The final time im aware Im shoving the gross old guy off of me, pressed against some brick wall. He falls to the ground, hitting his head and passing out. "Pig." I stumble to his crumpled form and take his wallet. I hum as I take out his bank card, credit card and all his cash out before diging in his pockets and grabbing what he forgot to put in his wallet.

I count 850 dollars by the time the I get an uber to the club, sure I could buy something to hold me over tomorrow and then drive myself home safely.

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