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Benjamin's pov

I wake up alone, the room quiet and I yawn as I turn over, enjoying being incased in blankets a few more moments. The smell of breakfast hits me and I grin, hoping Esme had gotten started on breakfast.

I slowly start to move around, showering, getting dressed- I pull on Edwards things to have his smell closer. I grin as I tuck my nose into my sleeve briefly enjoying his vanilla scent. I quickly move on to making my normal morning joint- is that my normal anymore?- before joining the undead downstairs.

"Whats for breakfast Es-" I stop myself once i reach the bottom of the stairs, Esme was perched on the couch with Rosalie and Alice. "-me." I finish awkwardly as Edward comes out the kitchen.

Hes wearing the pink flower apron I gave to him as a joke, a plate of cinnamonapple pancakes are in his hands and my mouth waters. "You made me breakfast. You're a God amongst men." I hum as I walk over to him quickly. Edwards smile is tight when I kiss his cheek, taking the warm plate from him.

"You're welcome, love." Edward nods as I make my way to the kitchen. "You comin?" I throw over my shoulder as I walk.

Its a second before hes beside me as I take my seat. I stare into his eyes deeply as I cut into the pancake, searchingly. "Whats up? You're more..." I wave my hand in his general direction. "Pouty then usual."

Edwards face pulls into a tight scowl as he looks to the ground. "You're still bruises up. I know your in pain, Ben. I can see it." Edward huffs out and I roll my eyes.

"Im human, Edward. Of course I'm going to get hurt sometimes but thats just how it is. I could die in the shower, or just break an arm." I shrug. "It's not possible for me to keep the good parts of being human and throw away the bad parts. Lets be happy Im here. And Carlisle said theres a goor chance of me getting my memories back. So dont pout."

"I wont." Edward sighs as I dig into my pancake. I frown as the off taste hit my tongue and spit it onto the plate. "Ed? Did you use salt instead of sugar?" I meet his eyes and Edward stared at me with a mortified expression.

"Im so so sorry."

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