Waking up

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Benjamins pov

I groan as I wake up, pain hitting me beforr anything else. Thankfully, the lights are dim when I open my eyes. I blink a few times, smiling softly when I look up at Edward holding out a glass of water for me. I sit up carefully and sip some water from the straw before I speak.

"What happened? I feel like I got hit by an Emmett." Edwards lips pull slightly up but his expression is still concerned and searching. "You were in a car accident. Whats the last thing you remember?"

I lean back in the bed, humming lightly before I grin. "The dance. That night had been pretty fun huh?"

"Very. Let me get Carlisle." Edward leaves quickly and I try to lean back into the bed, wincing when I mustve brushed a bruise. By the time I settle, Carlisle and Edward are watching me from across the room. I smile at Carlisle and he smiles awkwardly back before clearing his throat.

"You were in a pretty bad car accident 2 weeks ago and suffered a pretty serious brain injury. I had to out you into an induced coma until the swelling went down and your body must've needed more time to recuperate as you slept longer than I intended. You have a bruised rib, and some scrapes but aside from that, there hadn't been much else. Our biggest worry had been your head wound so, now that you're awake I can do further tests while Edward hunts." Carlisle checks my vitals as he speaks, looking at the machine hooked up to my arm, taking notes.

"Im hungry, though." I mumble with a pout. "I'll pick up your favorite on my way back." Edward speaks up before turning to leave. "Waaait, Eddie." I make grabby hands at him with the one arm thats not hooked up to he i.v.

At the blink of an eye, Edward is beside me. "Yes?" Instead of replying, I pull him down for a kiss, smiling at the feeling of his cool lips pressed against mine. "Love you, be safe bae." I hum.

"I love you too." Edward whispers, a pained expression on his face. "Whats wrong?" I touch his cheekbone gently.

"You know I hate bae. Nothing's wrong. I'll get your food for you." Edward rushes out before swiftly leaving.


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