Chapter 1

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It was a year ago. A year ago that I happened upon a witch burning, something only the corrupt and brutal could dream justified. No matter how much I wanted to, I could do nothing. I twice disgraced woman would have just Ben thrown in for fire fuel. All I could do was watch in horror, praying that something good would befall her after this all. Be it a new life, or salvation.

If anything, it brought hell upon us. Quickly the church and witnesses brushed it off as nothing. But I knew it was something. Trying to warn others was just met with laughs and mockery. All that left me to do was wait and prepair. But I could have never prepaired for what was to come. Demons of hell swarmed the earth, killing all the humans they pleased, all under the order of the Vampire King Dracula.

There was only one place I could go, in hopes to find someone to help. The old Belmont Estate. Where many believed to be my grave.

Upon arrival I noticed the horses and covered wagon. I obviously wasn't the only one who thought to come here. I needed to sneak around, to see who. I'm sure majority of those who would come here, wouldn't want me here. Ruble dose give you plenty to hide behind, but not the easiest ground to make no sound on. As I approached the enterance to the keep, I just barely saw the lat head descend. I was quick to follow, staying in the shadows.

I quickly recognized my brother, but not the two he was with. Suddenly a flash came towards me. I quickly caught the projectile, and proceeded to silently follow the treo, unsure of what they were doing, so just listening as my brother explained ou- his family history. I could only assume they were here to help. Four more time knifes got thrown at me as we descended the stairs. I caught each with ease.

It was the fifth that frightened me. It had came right after the fourth, unlike any other. I did manage to dodge it as it imbedded itself in the stone wall next to my head. It did no help that I let out a sudden yelp.

"You wear heavy shoes yet use the gait for light shoes," Trevor scolded me. "You're out of practice."

I scoffed and took down my hood, gazing down at the three from the higher level I was at. "But you're out of knives, Brother," I teased him, holding up the four, and prying the third from the wall.

"You're no sister of mine," he hissed and continued to walk away from me. Those words stung, cutting deep. He wasn't lying, there wasn't even a bit of hesitation. I guess the words of our relatives finally got to him.

That one statement hurt me so much, like being stabbed in the heart. He had been the only family I had. The only one that saw me as a Belmont, and not the Belmont's pet. Everyone always hissed out daughter, sister, niece, you name it. But he always said it with sencerity. And showed it with sincerity. He truly acted like a brother to me. Even when everyone else threw me to flames.

I shook the pitty out of my mind, knowing it had no place there for the time being. I  just climbed over the banaster and jumped down behind the three. "I didn't come for a family reunion, or even to try to be accepted by the Belmont name again," I informed my brother. "I came to help stop Dracula. You can refuse my help all you want, but I will give it."

I stared down all three. The Speaker looked to be excited, or at least accepting, of my help. Trevor could look none the more interested. While the other guy glared at me, bearing his fangs. Wait, fangs. He's a vampire.

I took a hazardous step back, reaching into my coat for my shoge. I didn't even get my hand around the chain before there was a hand around my neck. "Who are you?" the vampire hissed at me.

"I go by Vendta," I chocked out, trying not to show the fear that coursed through me.

"Alucard," Trevor sighed, "No matter how much I enjoy seeing her in discomfort, she dosent deserve death. She's Vendta, my adopted sister. She's crazy, but harmless."

The vampire looked back at my brother. He still kept the grip on my neck though. "She dose not have the scent of a human."

"Cause I'm not," I choked out.

"She isn't human," Trevor said. "Stoll put her down, we should take all the help we can get. Even if it's from a lunatic."

The guy did not put me down gently, but I quickly clambered back onto my feet. "I can feel the love radiating off of you Trevor," I scoffed at my brother. "But who are you two?" I turned to the other two, giving them a kind smile.

"I'm Sypha," the girl introduced herself, "It's sorta surprising that Trevor has a sister."

"Adopted," Trevor hissed from his place of leading us down the stairs.

Syph and I turned to look at the vampire in expectation. "I am Alucard," he introduced himself.

My eyes lit up, as the name instantly clicked in my mind. The son of Dracula, his exact opposite. I've heard stories of such a person, but never believed them to be really. So many things were running through my head in one instant. It came to a hult at one fact. The case of vampire skulls in the trove.

Not even carrying that it was pitch black below, I parquored my way to the bottom in a rush, seeing easily through the dark. Once I was in the library I pulled down one of the many tapestries of the Belmont crest and rushed over to cover the case of vampire skulls with it.

As I flattened the fabric everything lit up around me. I look up to see the treo walking down to the level I was at. "Welcome to the Belmont Storage hole," I laughed as I ran out into the open.

Witchcraft (Castlevania) (Alucard X Belmont! OC)Where stories live. Discover now