are you sure?

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Karmen's POV
I liked billie and I wanted her, all of her so I flipped on her sitting on her crotch and leaned down to her face and kissed her. It didn't take long for her to kiss back and lick my bottom lip asking for entrance which I soon granted and our tounges were fighting for dominance as Billie grabbed my ass and stood up still holding on to me and not breaking the kiss. She flipped us over and she was on top, she finally broke the kiss and asked me something.

"are you sure?" She said looking me in my eyes
"of course" I said with a smirk
And with that she took my shirt off and started to kiss my neck slowly while leaving love bites she soon found my sweet spot and kissed there as I let out quiet moans trying to control myself from becoming a moaning mess. She got down to my naked torso and started to suck on my left nipple while massaging the other one as I continued to moan. She soon slipped her shirt off then headed to the hemline of my leggings as she pulled them down revealing my soaking spot through my underwear.

"I barely touched you" she said laughing
"Shut up bil" I said starting to smile

She continued to pull down my underwear and blow her cold breath into my soaking clit as she massaged it with her thumb.

"BIL" was all I managed to get out before she soon stuck her tounge all the way inside of me as she continued rubbing my clit with her finger.

"Fuck billie" I said between moans

She removed her tounge from my hole and placed it on my clit, sucking roughly on it

"Shit what the fu-" I said as she jammed two fingers inside of me.

""Ahhhh shit what the hell" I said screaming in pleasure.

She just continued to do what she did.
*time skip this is cringy*
After Billie was done with the stuff we laid in my bed and talked for hours until the sun came up. We weren't tired at all though.
Me and billie just looked at each other and laughed as I reached over to turn the alarm off.
"You ready to start getting ready?" I said to billie
"I guess" she said laughing

" you go hop in the shower, I'll pick my clothes out and then I'll hop in"
Billie nodded at my demand and followed the order.
I got in the shower after Billie had gotten out and she went to grab clothes from her house and I got into my outfit and did my hair and makeup and everything....

I got in the shower after Billie had gotten out and she went to grab clothes from her house and I got into my outfit and did my hair and makeup and everything

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After I was done getting ready I heard the door open, I thought it was Billie until I felt someone swing a bat and hit me in my head. I went unconscious and it felt like I was in a tight space, I was in a trunk. I couldn't see anything or hear anything at that. I started to think about who could've done this. My dad....
Growing up my dad was abusive, not to me but to my mom. Once she had enough money, we left to live with my aunt here in Los Angeles. But it didn't take my dad long to retaliate. He sent people down to kill my mom and aunt and to take me but they didn't get me. "Run Mija, i love you and I always will" those were her last words to me before I watched her bleed out in my bedroom. I had to run or else that would be me. So that's what I did, I ran far until I got to the shelter. That was the day my life ended and started again. Since I was in the shelter I went to help clean places to earn money to enroll myself into school then I got a job and a car.
My dad was the one who ruined my life when I was 7 and now in 17, he was furious i was sure he was gonna kill me now...

Billie's POV
I walked out of the house and back to Karmen's when I noticed her front door wide open with dents in it. I started to speed up my pace and started running to her door.
"Karmen!" I yelled into the doorway but I got now reply, I started walking up the stairs and that's when I noticed the blood splattered on the floor and the bat right next to it. My heart dropped out of place at the thought of what could have happened to Karmen
"Finneas!" I cried so loud that I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard me , my thought were soon true when finneas came into the room followed my like twenty more people.

"Where is she" I sobbed loudly

" Billie, we'll find here, I promise"

"I need her, i love her" I sobbed quietly into his chest.

"Oh my gosh, Karmen!!" We heard from outside.

My eyes went wide as I ran out of the door so fast that you would think I was in the olympics.

She was in the middle of the street with tape over her mouth and blood spilling from the gash on her head, someone who looked just like her stood behind her holding a gun to her head.

"Baby..." was all I managed to get out after I said that she started crying, I was livid.

" 10,000 dollars now, or I blow her fucking brains out on this road" the man said clicking the gun

"Finneas, get the box from under my bed and grab the money" I said not breaking the death glare I gave the man

"you sure bil" he said after he said that I snapped my head to him
"what do you mean am I sure, that's my fucking girlfriend, get the damn money" I said as he ran in the house, he came back out with the stack of money and handed it to the man.

"Go" he said pushing Karmen as he got up and ran to me crying.

"It's okay baby, your safe now" I sad thing not to cry along with her....
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1050 words
~papi_skies out this bitch😂❤️

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