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Billie's POV
I just woke up and I'm about to get ready to go to the hospital to see Karmen, I call her and see if she needs or wants anything. She said she wanted some Taco Bell which was right around the corner from the hospital. I grabbed my keys and got off of my bed and started my car.

I pulled off and turned on the radio and just kept driving until I reached the Taco Bell around the corner from the hospital. She already told me what she wanted so I just went to the drive-thru and got her food.

Karmen's POV
I was sitting in my hospital bed waiting for Billie to come in until I heard a knock at the door and then it opened. It was the nurse.

"Karmen someone is here to see you" she said signaling for the person to come in.

"Hey Karmen" the person said with a raspy voice.

"I'll leave you two to be" the nurse said walking out of the room.

"What are you doing here" I said shaking and my voice cracking

"Why I'm here to do what I should have done a long time ago" MY DAD said as he walked over closer to me playing the gas mask that you would use to put patients to sleep with after he pulled the iv's from my arm along with the needles making my arms bleed a lot. I started to feel my eyes get heavy before I gained enough courage to press the Call Nurse button. Once the alarms started to ring he ran out off the room leaving the door open for the nurse to run in and look at me with terror before she could say anything I was out.

Billie's POV
I pulled into the hospital to see a ambulance putting a girl into the car of the truck, she looked oddly like Karmen but I couldn't really tell because she had a mask on her face. I walked out of the car and started to get closer when I realized. It was Karmen.

"Oh shit, not again!" I said running into the hospital to see if it was really Karmen. So I ran into the hospital and rung the bell at the front desk.

"Ma"am can I help you" the lady said sitting comfortably in her chair.

"Yes, is Karmen Ross here?" I said looking frantically around the lobby.

"Let me take a look" the lady said clicking something on her monitor.
"No Karmen Marie Ross was just taken from this hospital and placed into another one, we are in the progress of getting into contact with her emergency contact, Billie Eilish " she said looking at me noticing who I was.

"Billie Eilish, I love your music, is there anything I could do to help." She said standing up

"Yes can you tell me what hospital they are placing her in, and thank you very much" I said trying to not be a bitch.

"Ok let me take a look" "Yes she is being placed in Maryland Critical and Emergency Hospital" she said clicking the computer again.

"Ok thank you" I said running out of the hospital doors.

I got into my car and grabbed my phone turning on my gps and directing myself to the hospital they put Karmen in.

Karmen's POV

At this point, I don't know what to do. I'm gonna die one day, soon. With everything that has been going on it's a lot to handle.

Anyways they got me stable in the truck and I'm awake and chilling just ready to get into the other hospital. It's closer to my house so I don't have a problem moving.

I wonder if Billie knows that I'm at a different hospital. Of course!!

I was shaken out of my thoughts when the doors to the truck opened and I was pulled out by the doctors into the room that I was staying in to see someone with their hood on in the corner.

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