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Billie's POV
Me and Karmen haven't been talking a lot lately. She's been pretty distant and she's been sleeping on the couch. I'm gonna talk to her and see what's wrong.

"Karmen!"  I yelled, no reply.
"KARMEN" I yelled again, still no reply
"KARMEN MARIE ROSS, get up here" I yelled loud as hell, no reply, then I heard stomping footsteps walking up the stairs.

"What!" She said with a bitchy look on her face

"Who the hell are you talking to" I said standing up walking over to her

"Whatever" she said going into her closet and getting clothes out for something she went to the bathroom and turned the shower on while blasting the song that I made her listen to. When she came out of the bathroom she looked amazing, but where was she going?

She was trying to walk out of the door when I walked in front of her blocking her exit

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She was trying to walk out of the door when I walked in front of her blocking her exit.

"Where the fuck are you going dressed like that K?" I said looking her dead in the eyes.

"out" she says shoving past me then walking out of the house slamming the door behind her.

When I saw her pull off I went to get dressed in just a LV set and I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and got into my car.

Karmen's POV
I know what your thinking
"why are you doing this, acting so rude!"
Well I planned a surprise party for billie because Finneas has some news for her and he wanted me to help him set up a way to get her here without her finding out. So I've been leaving the house all hours of the night and morning and staying away from Billie no matter how hard it was. I knew she had a tracking device on my phone and has had it since the kidnapping. She was gonna use it to track me down which would lead her to the party.

I got to the building and walked in, suddenly Finneas's eyes went wide.
"What,is something wrong" I said with a panicked look on my face.

"Karmen you look so good" he said running over hugging me with a big smile on his face.

"Thanks, is everyone on their way?" I said returning the smile

"Yeah they should be pulling up soon" he said looking out of the window "there they go now, let's go get the stuff out of the closets and start setting up.

1 hour later

Everyone was helping set up and we were pretty much done

Everyone was helping set up and we were pretty much done

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its basically a dinner type thing.

"Ok we're all done, thanks guys for helping with the party, I hope you enj-"

Suddenly we heard a car running outside
"Shh get down, she's here" I said putting my finger up to my lips and crouching begins a big ass couch.

Billie's POV
I pulled up to the location that Karmen's tracking device sent me. It was a tall almost glass building and it looked like the lights were out so I grabbed my phone and got out of the car making sure to slam the door behind me. I walked up to the  door turning the knob slowly.
it's unlocked?
I walked in and it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. Suddenly the lights cut on and people emerge from the back of the big couches yelling "surprise!"

I was happy about the surprise and waited for it to be announced, right now we were finishing the dinner and laughing talking about everything life wise until Finneas grabbed his glass and and put the knife against it 3 times indicating he had a toast.

"I would like to start off by saying that I am very proud of my little sister Billie" he said pointing towards me as I smiled and waved as people didn't already know who I was.

"We came here today to announce something very important, WERE GOING ON TOUR BABY!" Finneas said smiling and taking a sip from his drink.

"What really!" I said emerging from my seat with a large smile on my face.

Finneas just nodded

*time skip*

Karmen's POV

Everyone left the party and me and Billie were just sitting on the couches in the building since we had it rented for the night and we planned on heading home soon.

"Thank you for all of this baby" she said looking at me and rubbing my thigh gently until she moved up into under my dress and slipped her hand into my panties and rubbing my clit softly but enough for me to throw my head back in pleasure and she started to rub harder she jammed a finger into me going in and out faster and faster with each thrust until she added a second finger curling it in my g-spot making me moan louder and louder and grip her arm signaling the I was ready to cum.

"Not yet babygirl" she said as she stopped with her fingers and moving her head down to my soaking area.  She stuck her tounge inside of me moving back and forth in a slow motion because she knows that makes me crazy, she started going faster as she put the two fingers back inside of me curling them back into my g-spot making me grip her arm once again.

"BILLIE!" I cried out while gripping her arm.
"Go ahead Karmen." She said while grinning either her fingers still going inside and out of my letting me ride out my orgasm. After we finished we cleaned up from the party and put the keys to the building on the table and grabbing our car keys(if you are wondering Finneas took her car home for her because he took a Uber there) and headed out of the door.
When we got out to the car I walked over to the trunk telling Billie to open it so that I could grab my cover and headed to the backseat after closing the trunk and the car door after laying down in the backseat with Billie in the front driving. We got home and Billie woke me up by putting her finger in my nose and blowing in my ear(ik weird but that's there thing) we went in the house and I got undressed went to the shower and washed my hair, body, and face to get my makeup of my face and got out as I wrapped the towel around me and walked into the closet to see Billie passed out on the be with her pillow over her head. I walked to the closet and picked out my clothes to sleep in

I walked over to the bed setting my alarm for my photo shoot tomorrow as I payed next to Billie

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I walked over to the bed setting my alarm for my photo shoot tomorrow as I payed next to Billie. I cuddled into her chest and listened to her heart beat as my eyelids got heavy and I drifted off to sleep....
This was a good chapter.
Sorry for the smut without warning ⚠️
But 1173 words and more to come in this story, but I am starting another book about lil skies so yea
~papi_skies out this bitch❤️🧸

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