its time to fix this

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Billie's POV
"I know I just wanna make this work" I said tightening my grip in Karmen's hand.
I hear quiet sobs right next to me. I soon realize that it's Karmen and I immediately grab her holding her close to my chest while she cries.

"It's okay we're gonna fix this" I say stroking her hair.

"promise?" She said looking up at me

"I promise" I say kissing her forehead and continuing the drive to my house.

Finneas's POV (ik this is a first😂‼️)
Me and my parents hated seeing Billie as upset as she has been the last couple days. When I was a kid and me and Billie used to argue our parents would make us stay the night with each other and it always seemed to help. So I'm hoping it'll help with her and Karmen. But instead of locking them in a room Me and my parents rented out a cabin out of the city for them to stay at for 3 weeks. There is a medical center nearby and cell phone service so it's not like we're putting Karmen in danger. Billie and Karmen's bags are already in the trunk since Billie is moving out of the old house and back home with us. And they are leaving now.

"Oh uhh Bil we have a meeting with the label today in like 30 minutes. You can come if you want to Karmen" I say grabbing my coat.

"You think that's okay with the label" Karmen questioned.

"Yeah I'm sure they won't mind at all anyways let's go" I say walking to the door and leaving the house with them following close behind.
"Uhhh Finneas where are we going" Billie questioned leaning to the front seat.

"The label they uhh wanted to meet somewhere else." I say stuttering a little.

"Oh okay" she says leaning back.
-Finally after 2 hours of driving I pull up to the cabin and look in the backseat to see Billie and Karmen asleep. I laugh to myself and shake them both awake.

"We're here get out the car" I said to them.

"Uhhhhh Okay?" Karmen said opening her door and getting out slowly followed by Billie.

"Hey Billie can you open the trunk to me" I say pressing the unlock button for the trunk.

"Yeah I got it" she says opening the trunk.

"Okay grab the 2 cases for me" I say getting out of the car.

I walk them up to the cabin with there clothes in their suitcases in their hands.

"HAVE FUN!" I say running off and getting into my car while it's still running and speed off to see Billie yelling at me in my rear view.
Karmen's POV
Oh what's new you ask? Well I'm currently at a cabin with Billie where Finneas just left us. I hope there is WiFi here. I go to open the door and it's locked.

"Great how are we supposed to get in" I say kicking the door.

"Uhhh I don't know I'll text Finneas" I say rubbing my eyes obviously still tired and pulling out my phone, shooting my brother a text asking him where the keys are.
He soon text back responding with "under the w in the welcome mat" be texts.
"He said look under the w in the welcome mat" I say looking at Karmen already looking at the mat.

"Got it!" She yells excitedly and unlocks the door running in.

I grab our stuff and get inside of the cabin.

the cabin^^-Billie's POV It's been awhile since we got settled into the cabin and I'm starting to get hungry

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the cabin^^
Billie's POV
It's been awhile since we got settled into the cabin and I'm starting to get hungry. Karmen is currently in the master asleep. I get up and walk to the kitchen opening up the fridge to see it full of food and drinks. I open the freezer next to see tubs of ice cream and frozen foods. I quickly smile to myself pulling things for dinner out of the freezer and fridge.
I ended up making this

(ik it looks fancy shmancy but it's Billie sooooo?!??)-I quickly roam around the kitchen looking for trays so that I could carry this upstairs

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(ik it looks fancy shmancy but it's Billie sooooo?!??)
I quickly roam around the kitchen looking for trays so that I could carry this upstairs. So I look under the sink and see the trays. I take two from under and place them on the counter, putting the food on them and walking upstairs.

I finish walking upstairs to see Karmen asleep in the bed. I set the trays down on the bedside tables and shake Karmen softly. She groans and sat up slowly.

"Yes?" She questioned

"I made dinner" I said picking up the plate and placing it in front of her as she smiles brightly.

"Thank you Billie" she says holding her arms out for me to hug her, I soon lean in as she grasps tightly like she has never held me before. She pulls back and I see that her eyes are glossed with tears.

"What's wrong" I say wiping her eyes

"I've been so selfish and rude to you and I think it's just because I've never loved someone like I love you and I don't wanna lose this" she cries out.

"I don't wanna lose you either" I say getting my tray and sin ring next to her in the bed.

"I love you billie"

"I love you too Karmen"

Sorry to keep you waiting but I had to come up with a schedule and yeah!!
1 chapter per day
1-2 imagines per day ( depending on how long they are)
And also I'm having MAJOR problems coming up with ideas for chapters so just let me know what you guys want.
papi_skies out!!

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