lets go now

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Karmen's POV
We've been at the party for a while but I'm not ready to got yet. I'm walking around drinking and laughing with everyone.
I see Billie sitting on the couch obviously annoyed so I walk over to her and sit on her lap.
"You o-o-Okay babyyyyy" I said drunk of course
"I think it's time for us to go." Billie said standing up removing me from her lap
"Nooo I don't wanna go" I said making a pouty face
"Let's go now" she said pulling me outside be my arm.
"Owwwww let me go" I said yanking my arm away from her and getting in the car slamming the door
"Don't act like you have a attitude" she said slamming her door after me.
"Well don't pull me by by fucking arm Billie" I said getting in her face
"Who the fuck are you talking to" she said grabbing me by my neck.
I was drunk and now horny
"What are you gonna do about it" I said looking her in the eyes
"Oh we'll see" she said letting go of my neck and starting the car.
My phone suddenly went off interrupting my sleep in the car. I flipped it over to see the screen.

I typed back that I'm okay and that they shouldn't worry and I went back to sleep

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I typed back that I'm okay and that they shouldn't worry and I went back to sleep.
I woke up to Billie slamming the car door and getting in the house. I got out of the car after and went upstairs to see Billie in the shower. I know she is pissed so I'm not gonna do anything to piss her off more and plus I'm drunk so I just grab a blanket and some pillows and head downstairs to the living room and plop down on the couch. I turn on YouTube and search up Billie's name for her songs to pop up. I clicked on idontwannabeyouanymore and walked over to the kitchen getting my tub of chocolate ice cream and big spoon and walk back over to sit on the couch.
It's been 3 songs and Billie's still in the shower. I she really mad. I didn't do anything. What if we breakup. All these thoughts stung my eyes and I began to cry a lot. I kept crying and what made it worst is that Billie's songs were playing so that fucked up my emotions more.
How could I be so stupid. She's Billie Eilish why would she want me. I'm worthless. I'm nothing. I started to cry more and more.
As I was crying I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I don't want Billie to think less of me so I quickly wipe away my tears but it didn't really help because my eyes were as red as tomatos. She finally reached the end of the stairs and walked over to the couch and sit next to me still not saying anything. Silence is what breaks me the most so I began to sob quietly and she quickly took me into her chest and began shushing me and stroking my hair.
"baby shhhhh why are you crying" she said trying to get me to calm down
"because your mad at me and I feel like everything is my fault and your to good for me" I said as I calmed down a little.
"No baby I'm not mad and don't think any of that stuff okay I'm just a little nervous because there is something I've been wanting to tell you." She said playing with her fingers

"what is it baby?" I said wiping my face after I stopped crying.
"i wanna have a baby" she said in the clear without stuttering.
"wow I mean me too but I'm still in high school and I wanna move on to college" I said hoping she would understand
"well duh but I just wanna let you know so that you wouldn't think I was coming from no where" she said kissing my forehead
"well since I have school tomorrow and I find out if made cuts for cheer I gotta get to sleep, it's already 1:35 in the morning." I said putting away all the stuff I had in the living room and cutting off the tv then walking upstairs with Billie following behind me.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and Billie groaning and moving around in bed.
I moved over and turned it off then got up to get in the shower and washing up. I finally got out and wrapped my towel around my body and walked into the room to see Billie still asleep on the bed. I lauged to myself and continued to get ready. Finally I finished early and stood in the mirror admiring myself.

 Finally I finished early and stood in the mirror admiring myself

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I had this on.

I continued to grab my stuff and finally finished so I could leave. I kissed Billie on the forehead and left the house, driving to school.
I finally pulled up into the parking lot and got out of the car walking inside of the school checking myself in and walking to my first class so that I could hear the announcements.

"Goodmorning students of Callmore High, Welcome to today's morning announcements , To start off today we had Cheer tryouts yesterday and we have the people who made it here.
Lacey Rodin
Malecey Grove
Lacey Beown
Malian Karats
Reign Ellis
I was a little upset when they didn't call my name but right when I started to open my phone the announcements came back on.
"And the captain of this years cheer team is.....Karmen Ross. Congrats ladies practices will start Next Wensday after school."
Letssss goooooo I made the team.
I texted Billie to let her know and turned my phone off and went on with the rest of my day.
this was the longest 10 minutes of my life.

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