yet again

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Karmen's POV
Today is my final last day in high school and next week is my graduation. I've been going to school for a while since I can't go home to Billie everyday because she is out performing some nights. She isn't gonna be home until 7 today so that means I can go out and run some errands for graduation.
I decided to get up earlier than usual so that I can make breakfast for me and Billie. I roll over a little bit am eventually caught by Billie's body laying in the way. I roll back over to my side of the bed and and get up after scrolling and playing on my phone for a little. I went over to my closet picking out my outfit deciding to wear a grey dress and a jean jacket with my black strappy heels.

I went to the downstairs kitchen and began to pull out the stuff to make breakfast.
I started to mix up the pancake mix when I got a little bored. I went over to get my phone and played some music. I jammed out to bury a friend, and my boy on repeat.
Finally after jumping over the counter, dancing one the island. I got done cooking and got the tray from under the sink. I put the breakfast and a small vase with a rose and began to walk up the stairs. I got up the stairs into the room to see Billie still asleep. So I walked over and took my shoes off and threw my body over her cuddling and kissing her face repeatedly.
"Wake up babyyyy" I said in between kisses
"Okay, okay I'm up" she said rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Okay so I'm off to school soon but before I left I just wanted to bring you something" I said grinning really hard
"Okay what is it" she said scooting up to the headboard.
I got out of the bed and went to where I sat the breakfast and picked it up taking it to her.
"Aww baby" she said smiling and making a baby face
I just smiled and placed the breakfast in front of her.
"Okay baby enjoy this I'll see you tonight"  I said smiling.
"You coming" she yelled smiling
"After I get some stuff done for graduation" I said grabbing my keys and book bag and walking over giving Billie a kiss.
"Okay love you" she said
"Love you too" I said before leaving the house and driving to school.
I'm in 3rd period gym and were playing dodgeball again. We've been playing for a week straight. I'm still in my heels even though we're in gym because I didn't bring extra shoes. I'm going to pick up a ball and I see someone launch one on my direction and my dumbass decides to jump and try and dodge it. I fell on the ground after my ankle cracked the wrong way. It hurts a lot and I look down to see my ankle is bruised and twisted.
I immediately start crying and screaming in pain until the ambulance comes in and takes me to the truck.
Billie's POV
We're at the early day show and I'm sitting on stage and talking to the crowd when my phone starts to ring in my pocket.
"Hold on guys" I say into the mic before placing it down and answering the phone.
"Hello Miss Eilish, we currently have Karmen in our Urgent Care building."
"What happened"
"Well she had and accident at the school and sprained her ankle"
"Can I speak to her?"
"Yes of course give me a second"
"Hey baby, you okay"
"Yea I'm fine just a little distraught"
"Okay well I was doing a show but if you want I can come see you"
"No Absolutely Not. I'm fine baby and I need you to continue the concert and you can see me when your done"
"Okay baby see you soon"
"okay bye bil"
.end of conversation.
"Okay guys lets continue!!!!"
Karmen's POV
Are you kidding. Of course I wasn't gonna make Billie leave her concert because of a broken ankle. I'll be fine , I've been through worse.
Soon the doctor came in to the room to discuss my health.
"Hello Miss Ross"
"Hello Nurse...."
"Stacey, Nurse Stacey"
"Oh Nurse Stacey"
"Okay let's take a look at this ankle for ya"
"Yeah okay"
The nurse took off the wrap they had on my ankle and set my leg up on and leveler and put the x-ray on it.
"Okay you do infact have a sprained ankle, so we will provide you with a cast and your crutches and you should be good to go home in a hour in a half or less"
"Okay thank you"
-time skip to after she got the cast-
Okay so I'm boreddddddddd asfffff!!!! I'm ready to go but I'm waiting on Kimetrius to come get me and I finally get to see my god daughter today and talk to him about a couple of things. Finally I get a text saying that he was outside, So I get up and grab all of my stuff and began walking out of the Care Center with my crutches. I get to Ki's car and I'm struggling to get the door open but he is just to busy laughing at me.
"Let me in stupid bitch"
"Okay Okay Damn stop bangin on my window"
I got in the car and put my crutches in the backseat.
"Where's my god daughter bitch"
"At the house with her momma crippled hoe"
"don't do to much bitch anyways how you and Ermani doin"
"We good we have arguments about petty stuff sometimes but you know daddy Ki always get her right"
"that's nasty"
"Man don't act like Billie don't be having you right"
"just drive hoe"
We pull up to his house and i immediately grab my crutches and limp run my way to the door opening it to see Ermani and Amannii sitting on the couch.

"Ahhhh shiiii look at my girls" I said smiling
sorry for changing things but yea.
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-papi_skies out🤥‼️

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