its over

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Billie's POV
"Ayeeeee Get upppp" I yelled while Karmen was sleeping on her face. She moved around a little but was still sleep so I decided to test out my gymnastic skills and do a flip. I positioned myself for the flip and just went for it. Of course I failed causing a loud thud and Karmen shooting up in bed to see me on the floor.

"Baby are you okay?" She asked grabbing her crutches and then getting out of bed.

"I'm fine, I was just a little bored"
"Well I'm up now what do you wanna do"
Just as I was about to say something her eyes went wide
"What is it"
"Oh I just forgot that I have an appointment today"
"What time"
"1 hour"
" Okay well go get ready"
"Okay are you coming with me"
"Oh shut up let's get ready"
-at the doctors-
"Okay Karmen you should be able to have this cast off in 3 days since the sprained ankle isn't that bad" the doctor said
"Okay thank you" She said smiling
"No problem, anyways that's it for today you guys can go enjoy the rest of your day" the doctor said leaving the room.
-back at home-
"Hey bil"
"Wanna go out to dinner tonight"
"Hell Yeah Girl"
"Okay" Karmen said laughing
Karmen's POV
I'm taking Billie out for dinner tonight since we haven't had time alone without fighting in a while. I'm in the shower and don't worry Billie help me put on a different cast so that my other one wouldn't get wet. I got out of the shower and got my out fit on along with my hair and makeup.

(Instead of heels she is wearing strapped sandals)"Baby you ready" I yelled downstairs to Billie"Yeah I'm ready just getting the keys" "Okay" I said walking down the stairs but before I could go all the way down I felt a sudden jerking movement of...

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(Instead of heels she is wearing strapped sandals)
"Baby you ready" I yelled downstairs to Billie
"Yeah I'm ready just getting the keys"
"Okay" I said walking down the stairs but before I could go all the way down I felt a sudden jerking movement of my legs causing me to fall down. Billie rushes over and helped me up.
"Are you okay baby"
"Yeah I'm fine let's just go"
She finished helping me up and we got in the car heading in the restaurant.
"Billie what are you doing" I say looking at her on her phone like she has been mostly on this date.
"Oh uh nothing my manager" she says back powering her phone off
That's weird.
"Hello I'm here to deliver the bill" the waiter said dropping the black folder on the table.
"Thank you ma'am" I said opening the folder and slipping my cash inside of the clear pocket and setting the folder back on the table.
"Let's go home baby"  I said grabbing my coat and keys.
"Okay" She said following my actions
-at home-
Me and Billie are watching Netflix and she gets up to go to the restroom just then her phone starts going off like crazy. She turns around her eyes opened in shock as she runs back over to her phone but before she can grab it I do first and run with it to the bathroom while laughing.
"Baby please give me my phone"
I start reading her phone and soon understand why she doesn't want me to see it.

"Wow Billie" I said opening the door to see her with her head down"You can't even look me" before I could finish I fell to the ground shaking and my vision getting blurry

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"Wow Billie" I said opening the door to see her with her head down
"You can't even look me" before I could finish I fell to the ground shaking and my vision getting blurry.
"Karmen!" was the last thing I heard before everything went black and I couldn't hear.
Billie's POV
I'm not to sure what she saw but from what I just saw I'm pretty sure I know. She just freaked out and had like a mini stroke. I just got off the phone with 911 and they are on their way. I need to call Kimetrius, Yonia, Branden, and anyone else in her contacts that she could want there.

We are now at the hospital and they have Karmen in a room that we can't enter until further notice.

"What happened" Kimetrius said out of the blue.

"Yeah about that can I talk to you in private Ki" I said and getting up followed by him nodding and following me outside.

"So we had got home from dinner and we're watching Netflix when I had to go to the bathroom then my phone started going off like crazy and Karmen picked it up and ran to the bathroom and locked me out. She saw texts from my ex Abby on my lockscreen and I'm scared that she thinks I'm cheating and she fell out and started shaking" I broke down telling him.

"Well are you cheating" he said

"Hell no I love that girl. Abby is crazy and the last time I texted her was 2 months before me and Karmen ever got together." I said pulling out my phone and showing him

"Well I'll talk to her when she recovers , but for now if she needs space then it's best that you give her that" he said while hugging me

"Okay" I said wiping my tears to go back into the hospital

"Family of Karmen Ross" the nurse said standing in the lobby

"That's us" I said shooting up out of my seat

"Okay well we have her stabilized and she is ready to have visitors but there is someone she wants to see first. Billie?" She said looking down at her clipboard

"That's me" I said

"Okay well she wants to see you"
"Okay thank you"
"Good wuck Biwwie" Amannii said
"Thank you princess" I said giving her a nice smile
I walked down to Karmen's room and opened the door to see Karmen facing the window

"Why Billie"
"Baby those texts were from months ago please let me explain"
"No you're trying to come up with excuses"
"Please I love you, I can't lose you again"
"it's over billie, please just leave"
"Karmen please"
And just like that I left.
That night those three words rang in my head
"it's over billie"
Thanks for reading this chapterrr
A lot of chapters coming on weekends
papi_skies out♥️😌

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