Chapter 1: Start of Something New

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I rushed around my room packing the last few items I needed before leaving home. It was 6:45 in the morning and I needed to make it to my flight by 8:30. I was frantically stuffing items into my suitcase before attempting to zip up the overly full bag.

Makeup, toiletries, phone. Check, check, check. I wasn't sure how long I'd be gone but I needed to be prepared just in case I needed to stay any longer than expected. After shoving another pair of shoes into my (already overweight) bag, I felt ready.

I pulled my bag off my bed and grabbed my purse and jacket off my chair. I looked around the room I've known for the past 17 years— sad that I have to leave so quickly, but excited for what's to come.

I brought my bag down the steps. As I approached the bottom, I heard my parents talking in a hushed tone in the kitchen.

"I don't know. I really don't. I don't think I can handle it. Not yet. Not again" my mom sobbed, which seemed to be muffled. I knew she was clinging to my dad for strength.

"She'll be back soon enough. And even if she does get the job we have to be happy for her." He replies soothingly.

"I know. I just don't want to loose her too."

At this point I decided to enter the room.

"Hi." I said meekly. My mom, startled, shifted and walked to the fridge to hide as she wiped her tears. My dad just stood looking between us. He knew that we needed to work this out between us.

In a somewhat convincing voice my mom said, "Do you want anything to eat before you leave?" As she finished the sentence, I could see her shoulders clench as she tried to hold in a sob.

"That's okay. We should get going soon anyway. I'll eat when I get to my gate." I smiled. It broke my heart to see her like this. I knew why. After I left, there would be no kids left in the house. I understand her sadness; but I couldn't help the fact that I was almost an adult now and I had to leave to peruse my career.

My dad quietly chimed in. "I'll take this out to the car." He said taking my suitcase. He quickly hugged me with his free hand and gave me a kiss on my hairline.

After he left the room, I approached my mom, who was still staring into the fridge. I touched her shoulder and she jumped and turned to look at me.

Her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying all night. But the emotions went deeper then that. They were dark with sadness and dread of my departure but were alive and bright with pride, for me. "I love you, Ariya. Never forget that." She reminded enveloping me in a hug.

"And I love you, mom." I replied, tearing up. I wanted to stay here forever to not move and to just cling onto her like I used to do.

As we pulled away, and wiped the tears from our faces, my dad walked in. "Time to go, Bunny." I willed myself not to cry at the not often used nickname. I gave my mom one more tight hug before turning to my dad and following him out the door.

As I walked out of my house and got into my car, I soaked it all in. The grass and tree of our front yard that I used to play in with my siblings. The only street- of the only neighborhood- that I've known since I was little. The pale blue color of my house. I wanted to take it all in one last time before I left.

All too soon, we were pulling out of our drive way. I gave one last small wave to my mom and faced forward in my seat— looking forward to what was about to come.

During the hour long car ride, I started to fade into sleep.

*a few weeks earlier*

I paced in the kitchen with my phone sitting on the counter. My best friend Camille sitting on the other side of the counter eating a cupcake.

"Ari. They'll call. Calm down." Cam said.

"Okay but what if they call and tell me I didn't get the part? Or what if they tell me that I wasn't good enough? What if they think that I wasn't even worth a call?" I stated pacing even harder.

Cam hopped off the counter and stood in front of me and just hugged me. "Ari, you're one of the most talented singer-actor-dancers I know! If they turn you down then that's their loss. It only means that you belong somewhere better."

What she said made sense but my brain was still going a hundred miles an hour. Luckily I didn't have a chance to respond. My phone started buzzing on the counter with a New York phone number. Cam and I just stared for a few seconds. Then we both moved simultaneously. I answered the call and pressed the phone to my ear with Camille on the other side listening in.

"Hello?" I said, my voice shaky.

"Hi is this Ariya Walters?" At this point I started hyperventilating.

"This is she." I replied.

"First of all, I'd like to thank you for submitting your video for our online open casting call for the Newsies National Tour Cast." My breath quickened. "But unfortunately we were unable to make a decision."

My breath caught in my throat. Cam and I made eye contact with each other, unsure of what to think. Solemnly, I said, "I understand."

She chuckled out loud, "No! We would like you to come out to New York for an in-person callback for Katherine!"

I couldn't think. I still had a chance! I couldn't believe it! I didn't think I even had a shot. This is amazing! After a long pause of utter shock, I replied, "Oh my gosh! Thank you!"

"Great!" She replied, "You'll get an email soon with more information."

"Thank you so much!" I said and hung up. I turned to look at Cam. We both screamed as tears of joy came down from my eyes.  I have never been more excited.


"Ariya. Bun, were here. It's time to go." My dad said while rubbing my arm from the driver seat. I yawned and sat up strait. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair and wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes. My dad got out of the car and walked to the back to get out my suitcase. I took a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror. 'I could do this', I thought. I mustered up the courage to get out of the car and meet my dad at the back. "Nervous?" He asked.

"Is that a question?"

"I figured. Just know that whatever happens you can come to me and your mother. Always." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I will. I promise." I said hugging him back. As we pulled away, he placed a kiss at the top of my head. "Goodbye, daddy." I tried holding back my tears.

"Goodbye, Ari." He said. I rolled my bag onto the curb as my dad got into the car. He drove off into the airport traffic. As I turned to enter the airport, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I opened my notifications to see a text from Camille.

C: I am so proud of you. Have a safe flight! I love you! ❤️

I smiled to myself and wrote a quick reply before heading through security to my gate. When I arrived at the gate, I ate like I had promised my mom and I smiled to myself knowing she'd be happy with me.

Soon after receiving my food they called for my flight to board. I got on the plane and put in my headphones; hitting shuffle on my theatre playlist. Fittingly the song, "Start of Something New" came on. I smiled to myself at the irony. This was definitely the start of something new.


Hi guys!!
So this is the first book I've ever written. I am so excited to see where this will lead! Ben will be in the next chapter so.. :) yay!

Thanks for reading!!

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