Chapter 5: Where Do You Belong?

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*Sky's POV*

How? That's the only thing I could think right now. How? I thought I'd never see her again.

I have no idea why I decided to walk her home. I barely know her but something just draws me toward her. Her being lost and walking into Schmackary's was a coincidence but it had to have happened for a reason.

"It's kind of a long walk. Are you sure you don't have somewhere else to be?" She said. Her eyes sparkled with excitement but her smile had this beautiful mystery. She was intriguing.

"Nah. Don't worry about me. I'm exactly where I should be." I replied, smirking. It was the truth I didn't want to be any where else but with her.

After walking her home, I left thinking I'd never see her again. And now we're in the same cast for the next year and a half, at least.

We sat there staring at each other for way longer than normal. Josh, who was sitting next to me, nudged my arm. I glanced over and he gave me a weird look. I just shook my head. I'll explain everything to him later.

I looked back up and made eye contact with her again; with my mystery girl, who now has a name: Ariya. She looked down at her shoes and then introduced herself again and talked about her past theatre experience. She was nervous and out of habit, she giggled every few sentences. Her giggle was infectious.

While Ariya was talking, I saw Ben lean over and say something to Josh. Josh looked back at him with surprise on his face, then they both looked back at her. I'll ask Ben about it later.

After she finished talking, Jeff came back on stage and talked about a few more things. I don't remember a single one. I couldn't concentrate. My thoughts were stuck on Ariya. I needed to talk to her.

After the meeting was over, I looked for her but she wasn't in the room anymore. I felt someone grab my elbow and pull me aside. Josh was looking at me with an expectant look on his face.

"She's the Schmakary's girl! The one I walked home." I said pulling Josh father away from the rest of the group.

"Wait. Are you sure?!" He asked. He looked really concerned but I wasn't sure why.

"Yeah." I said apprehensively. "What's wrong?"

"Sky, that's the same girl Ben met at the audition." He said.

Oh. Shit.

*Ariya's POV*

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." I muttered to myself pacing back and forth in Beth's living room. I was trying to call Cam. Beth was at work and I needed to talk this through with someone.

'This is Cam! I'm either ignoring you or ignoring you so... I might call you back if your chill. BYE!' I got her voicemail. So Cam.

I tossed my phone onto the couch and continued pacing trying to figure things out. So both Ben and Sky, I asked Jeff who he was, were in the cast. Ben is so sweet, and kind, and he has this quality about him I just can't name. But Sky, he's both genuine and mysterious at the same time. Not to mention a great kisser. Off topic. Get back on track, Ari.

I don't know what to do. I mean I have no clue if they even like me. I mean sure I kissed Sky but we didn't even know each other so did it really count? And Ben didn't say any more to me than the short conversation we had at the first callback.

I started to get a headache so I went to the kitchen to get Advil. As I was grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, I heard my phone ring. I quickly took the medicine and ran back to get it. It was Cam. Finally!

"Okay what's wrong and why did you call me four times?" She asked as soon as I picked up. I explained the situation to her and waited for her response. She'd tell me what to do. "Huh. Okay."

"Cam! C'mon! I need help here! I don't know what I'm doing!" I pleaded. I am super indecisive so I couldn't make this decision on my own.

"Just talk to them. Get to know them and then see how you feel." I mean she had a point.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah you're right. I need to not overthink this." I said.

"Exactly. Okay I got to go. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Wait. What?!" I practically screamed into the phone. See me in a few hours?

"Um." She muttered. "Sorry.. um.. I meant talk, yeah talk to you in a few hours! Bye Ari!" She said and hung up. I just brushed it off. It was probably just Cam being Cam. She was an air head at times.

I laid down on my bed and decided to rewatch friends for the millionth time. I must have dozed off cause I woke up to my phone buzzing with notification after notification. I picked up my phone to see a bunch of Instagram accounts started to follow me. First Jeff, then Josh, Nico, Ben and Sky, along with others.

I opened my Instagram to follow them back, but one notification stood out to me. I got a DM from Sky.

@Sky_Flaherty: Hey, Ariya. I know you're not starting rehearsals yet but a bunch of us are going to go to breakfast tomorrow before rehearsal do you wanna go?

I told him I would love to and turned off my phone. It was really sweet of him to offer. I was really excited to get to spend time with them all tomorrow.

I smiled to myself and turned on Friends again. About half way through the episode I heard Beth come through the door. She texted me earlier that she was going to be home super late. I got up to talk to her about the situation from rehearsal today. When I walked out of my room, I saw two people standing in the kitchen; Beth and another girl who had her back to me. Suddenly, I recognized who the other person was.

"Cam!" I screamed.

Startled, she turned and looked at me. I ran to her and threw my arms around her neck. She hugged me back, laughing.

"Hi!!" She said.

"Wait! What are you doing here?!" This is insane! I can't believe that she's here right now. Right when I needed her.

"So I was trying to tell you this a while ago but you were so busy with the audition that I didn't get the chance but.. I was offered a spot on the crew for the tour!"

Cam had done crew for our shows back home but I never knew she wanted to do it professionally. Dumbfounded, I grabbed her in another hug.

"Yeah so guess who's gonna be with you all tour!!" She said smiling.

"I am so happy right now! I can't believe it!" I practically screamed.

I was in utter shock. I could barely form sentences. I didn't realize how much I would miss her until I wasn't with her everyday. We spent the next few hours catching up and telling Beth some old stories from our childhood. I wanted to show Beth an old photo so I ran to grab my phone off the charger in my room. When I clicked on the screen I saw more notifications from Instagram including another DM from Sky.

@Sky_Flaherty: We're going to a small café near the theatre. We'll pick you up at 9.

I totally forgot about the breakfast plan. I quickly typed my response.

@Ariya.Walters: Hey. So my friend just surprised me by coming into town. She's joining the crew for the show. Is it cool if I bring her with us?

I got a response almost immediately.

@Sky_Flaherty: Of course! Definitely!

I smiled to myself. Right now I was so happy. I had Cam here now and I was going out to breakfast with some amazing people. I can't believe this is going to be my life for the next year.


AN: I'm sorry my upload schedule has been super crazy. I went to see my cousin in his school's show of Newsies. It was so good! I'm proud! I'll try to be more on top of it from here on out. Sorry!

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