Chapter 6: Something There

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AN: So I decided my upload schedule to make it easier on myself and more uniform for you guys! So I'll be uploading 1 chapter a week on Saturday! Sorry for how sporadic my uploads have been... these past few weeks have been so crazy but it's finally starting to slow down!

Now onto the story!


*Ariya's POV*

"You can't tell them that!" I screamed at Cam from the bathroom.

"Watch me!" She laughed.

I stuck my head out the bathroom door and pointed my toothbrush at her. She raised her hands in defense. We both giggled and continued getting ready. I missed having her with me. She was like a little piece of home that I got to bring along with me now. I didn't realize how homesick I actually was.

I finished up getting ready in the bathroom and quickly got changed. I put on a sundress and a pair on sandals. I wore very light makeup and left my naturally wavy hair alone.

Cam finished up and sat down on the bed on her phone. When I finished a few last minute touch ups to my makeup, I heard the doorbell ring. I smiled at Cam, who stood up to grab her bag and started to put on her shoes. I skipped over to the door, but stopped short of it to brace myself. I took a deep breath and opened it, smiling. My smile suddenly dropped.

"Where is she?"

*Sky's POV*

"Ben! Josh! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" I yelled from the small kitchen of the hotel room.

"Almost done!" Ben yelled back.

Josh came out shortly after. "So what are you going to tell him?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?"

"About Ariya. You have to hell him something. You can't just leave him in the dark!" Josh explained decidedly.

"Leave who in the dark?" Ben asked coming out of the room. Josh and I exchanged a look. I knew what Josh wanted me to do but I couldn't do it. Not right now. I didn't even know what I'd say.

Ben had been raving about this girl he had danced with during her audition. It just so happened this was Ariya, the same girl I met the day prior. It was obvious he really liked her. But so did I. Or at least I'm pretty sure I do. She was purely magnetic, kind, innocent, and she was too humble for her own good. But I went into this thinking that I would never see her again. Now that she is here, all those things I felt on that walk home came flooding back. But I didn't want to betray Ben that way. I was stuck. "No one. It's nothing. Let's get going. We have to pick up Ariya at her apartment soon!"

Ben shrugged and Josh glared at me. I wasn't ready and no one could blame me for that.

*Ariya's POV*

Beth's ex, Andrew, stood in front of me. Waiting for an answer to his question.

"I-I don't- I don't know." I stuttered. It came out as more of a question than a statement.

"No, you know where she is. Tell me now!" He yelled.

My mind raced trying to find a plan. I couldn't think of anything but my first day in New York. I can't imagine that I made the best first impression on him. The day I arrived, he was angry at Beth for cancelling plans to be able to pick me up at the airport. That night, when she confessed what had been upsetting her all day, and I told her to go to him but it was too late. He broke up with her that night and blamed Beth for everything; saying that she didn't care about their relationship. He made her believe that it was all her fault. He was so manipulative.

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