Chapter 7: If I Could Tell Her

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*Ben's POV*

I leaned forward, over the counter at my spot in the dressing room, putting fake dirt all over my face. Peaking over my shoulder through the mirror, I see Ariya sitting on Sky's lap doing her make up in his mirror with him doing his own over her shoulder. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled, elbowing him in the chest. I rolled my eyes, and finished up my makeup.

I haven't talked to either of them in two weeks. I was so angry with Sky. Why not tell me? Why go behind my back? And, Ariya— it just hurt too much to talk to her.

I know I was being childish but I didn't care. I threw all my stuff into a bag and stormed out the door. I couldn't stand being in that room for one more second. Not with them.

As I turned to walk down the hallway, I passed Josh who stopped and tried to grab my arm. I knew I'd blow up if I didn't, so I kept moving. I heard him call after me but I needed to be alone. I needed to clear my head.

I turned into the small dance studio attached to the rehearsal theatre, relieved  to find it empty. I closed the door and started to warm up.

Two weeks. Two weeks since I stuck my neck out protecting Ariya. Two weeks since she started dating my best friend. Two weeks of him rubbing it in my face.

I thought back to the audition— to the choreography that changed everything for us. Ariya and I still had to do that choreo everyday of course but it didn't feel the same way. Not only I, but Jeff had noticed too. He pulled me aside one day after a long rehearsal and asked what happened.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Yeah, ok." He said unconvinced. "I don't know what it is or why but you two have no chemistry anymore. I want to see what I saw in the audition. Not this crap." And he walked away.

Shaking the memory from my head, I turned on King of New York and practiced the dance. The choreo my body had memorized but my brain wanted to forget. I was about half way through the song, when I heard a knock on the door.

I stop dancing and look over to see Ariya in the doorway. Right in that moment, I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to be mine. But it just wasn't possible. I walked over to my phone and stopped the music.

"Hey." She said with a soft smile.

"Hi." I stood there, willing myself to think of something to say.

"Can I join you?" She asked. "I need to warm up." She giggled to herself, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. I nodded and restarted our section of the music. She walked over and she got into her place. I looked at her through the mirror. Her eyes were kind and her smile was welcoming. I wanted to apologize right then and there, but I didn't.

I looked down at my feet and shook the thoughts from my head. I needed to concentrate, not get caught up on a girl. If I had learned anything it was to channel all of my emotions into my dance.

I let my body carry me through the steps. We did the dance better than we had done it for weeks now. Towards the end of our section was the lift I had helped her learn back during the audition. I grabbed her waist and lifted her above my head. As I brought her back down, we locked eyes. I felt her feet hit the ground and the music continued on without us.

We both stayed there looking at each other; wrapped in each others arms. In an instant everything came into place. I wasn't mad at her; or Sky.

I was mad at myself. Mad that I let her get away. Mad that I didn't do anything sooner. Mad that I was this hurt about it.

Suddenly, she jumped out of my arms; looking at the door. Turning, I saw Josh standing there staring at us.

"Jeff wanted me to find the two of you. We're having a full company meeting on the stage." Josh said looking between the two of us.

I made eye contact with Ariya again. Looking like she was about to cry, she ran out of the room, muttering an apology as she passed Josh. How could I be so stupid? I sat down on a folded up mat and leaned back against the wall behind me.

"Hey," Josh said sitting next to me, "I know it's hard. But I think you need to talk it out with Sky."

"Josh, no! It'll just make things worse. I can't." I said. I know I'm right. Nothing good will come of me confronting Sky.

"Ben! You can't keep pushing them away. Sky is one of your best friends! He'll understand." Josh did have a good point. Sky was usually very understanding.

"But I—"

"No. No negative thinking!" Josh screamed. "Only positive thoughts!" He said beaming like an idiot. He's such a dork, but a dork with good intentions. He's right.

I shook my head smiling to myself. I loved my friends. Josh is really funny and always has more energy than he knows what to do with. Sky, he's always been so understanding and forgiving, hopefully he'll be the same way when it comes to Ariya. And Ariya. She's talented, and funny, and smart. And not to mention how incredibly gorgeous she is. She's all around perfect.

I loved them more than anything— and sometimes I didn't think I deserved my friends; this was definitely one of those times.

Breaking me out of my trans and patting my shoulder, he stood up and walked to the door. "It'll be okay, Ben," He said. "We should get out there." I gave him a small smile and stood to follow him out.

I didn't know what I was gonna tell Sky or how I was going to face Ariya, but Josh was right. Something had to be done.


AN: So first time we're seeing Ben's POV?!?! Did you guys like it?!

I'm so sorry this was so short!!! But I'm getting more and more excited!

Also, I'm going back and changing a few chapter titles. I want them to make a bit more sense theme wise. Lmk if anything is confusing to you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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