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"I decided to throw a party."

Aaron rolled her eyes at Alice's decision. It angered her that they were still sitting at this table, but Bella was here which made it all okay. Note the sarcasm. Bella was forcing her to spend time with them, even if the two siblings weren't getting along well.

It also dawned on Aaron there was a difference to her while she was in Forks and in La Push. La Push gave her the fight that she needed to be alone, to be okay and fight for herself. Here in Forks, Aaron relapsed back into that weak girl she was a while ago. But she wasn't that anymore, so why was she still acting like it?

Her therapist tried to say that she was too dependent on Bella, that she needed her to have a meaning in life. That's the last time Aaron had spoken to her.

She tensed as Jasper sat down next to her, his knee brushing hers. The girl picked up the chair and moved over raising some eyebrows. It seemed as though no one knew they weren't together again and they were assuming they were due to Bella and Edward.

Aaron felt as if she and Bella were just merged as one with their friends. After all, everyone at this tabled like Bella better, aside from Jasper of course.

Speaking of him, he gave everyone a wide smile. "After all, how many times we gonna graduate high school?" His joke earned an eye roll and some smiles from the vampires dancing around the table.

"A party? At your place?"

"I've never seen your house."

"No one's ever seen their house."

Aaron rolled her eyes at the other questions. It seemed stupid considering it was common knowledge that they didn't like people at their house. That was mostly due to the fact that they were vampires and could snap at any moment.

She eyed Jessica thinking that wouldn't be too bad.

Edward sighed. "Another party, Alice?" He questioned, clearly the past half of year on his mind. The question earned an 'it'll be fun' comment from the girl.

"That's what you said last time. And look what happened then," Aaron snapped making the girl flinch and shrink into herself, dimming the usually bright girl.

Aaron narrowed her eyes as Alice slumped knowing that she was having a vision. Though, Mike began asking her a million questions. Normally, she'd help distract them, but that was now Bella's thing. She has no ties to this family anymore aside from her sister.

The Cullen snapped back to reality giving everyone a forced smile, Edward looking a bit worried. That's when she knew that it had to do something with Bella and despite how she felt about the family, they better tell her.

Jasper smiled at the humans. "She hasn't been getting much sleep lately, senior jitters," he lied making Aaron gag, loudly, before grabbing her trash and getting up. The girl was beginning to feel suffocated sitting next to him.

Her heart yearned for him, though her mind was smart and knew to stay away. She refused to allow it to happen all over again. After all, they both were human and accidents happened all the time.

"Aaron, please wait!" Jasper called after her in the empty hallway, almost making her stop. But once again, her mind won out and she kept her sights on her empty classroom. Wind swirled around her and when she blinked, he was right in front of her face.

Golden eyes lingered on her face, soaking in every aspect of her as if he was never going to get to see it again. It was the same look he gave her before leaving, but she knew this time they won't. Before he could open his mouth again, hers was flying a mile a minute.

"What do you want? I've made it clear that I want nothing to do with you anymore. Only if it has to do with Bella. We are never going to get back together Jasper. You left me, you broke me, so fuck off," she snapped before shoving past him, hurting herself more than him.

"I'm never going to stop," he whispered as the bell rang and a flood of kids consumed him. When her heart won, she looked behind her only to see that Jasper was gone. A huff left her before pulling out her cellphone and making plans to hang out with the wolves later.

Fighting with them was one of the most fun things that she has ever done. They continuously make her stronger, mentally and physically. Aaron learns something new every time she goes down there.

Plus, she likes kicking Paul's ass.

"Walk with me," Alice commented linking their arms together, tightly so Aaron couldn't wiggle out of her grasp. The vampire dragged her into a bathroom, making sure they were alone before looking at her, her lips twisted. "Edward didn't want me to tell you, but you seem like you should know. Victora is back."

Aaron fixed her makeup in the mirror. "Yeah, I knew that. Is there something else that I should know?" she questioned raising an eyebrow at her through the mirror. Anger coursed through Alice.

"You knew? And you didn't tell us?" she snapped, harshly before taking a deep calming breath. "She's coming back here soon. Edward is going to get Bella to go see her mother, you should go too."

"Why are you telling me this? I know you are going to keep it from Bella, so why me?" Aaron questioned whirling around, fire blazing in her eyes. "You had a vision, didn't you. Do they know?" she began taunting Alice when she saw how scared she was.

"I don't know what you were, but you punched Victora in the face. You were animalistic as you pummeled her and that's where it ended," she commented, her bottom lip quivering. The girl before her wasn't the same since they left and it scared her. It was just the way she hated them, it was the power that was radiating off of her, but no one else saw it.

Alice was frightened and that gave Aaron so much pleasure to see that in her eyes.

"Aaron, I know you hate us, but we still consider you family. Jasper still loves you. Please forgive us," she whispered changing the mood completely, hitting Aaron in the face. She grabbed her stuff and went to leave, not before turning around looking at the moody vampire.

"Bite me."

authors note: sorry, but updates are going to be very, very slow. i am focusing on my original works at fallenperidot. so if you want my writing, go there! i hope you enjoyed!

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