Father? Part 9

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Sakura's POV 

I heard slight beeps it sounded like a heart moniter but thats impossible i was in HIS base theres no way i could hear a moniter but i did jus wherre am i my eyes are closed i didn wan to open my eyes in case HE would be the first one i saw he terrifies me i wish itachi was here i lost everyone i bet afer all this time he thinks im a murderer i wont be surprised

I waited to see if i could hear anything but there was anything so i gathered my courage and decided to open my eyes and for some reason i was in ...... a bed i didnt recognise the area but what confused me the most was a man with orange spiked up hair with peircing was asleep next to the bed


Was i dead i hope i am 

out of curiousity i hesitantly poke him on the shoulder i was expecting to be hit but i wasnt he was still asleep he didnt even stir he had bags under his eyes he couldnt sleep? i wonder why? i leaned forward a little and noticed i had bandges all over the question i had in my head was 

Why ?

I leaned back a little while sitting up and i saw him open his eyes slowly . It scared me so i crawled to the edge of the bed to get away from he shot up realizing i was awake and i squeaked and ran into the corner of the room taking the blanket with me too hide 

I didnt want to get hurt anymore but i was too weak to do anything

Peins POV 

I finally managed to fall asleep sakura was hosptilized for around 3 days now that itachi kid was lookin around the base right now trying to distract him self 

I woke up but didnt open my eyes but i sensed something moving infront of me it was sakura she was awake i fluttered my eyes open just to make sure and i was right she looked at me with fear and confusion when it finally hit me that she was actually awake i accidentily jumped up causing her to scream a little and hide under the blanket in the corner of the room

Immediate guilt flashed through me she was scared of me i saw it in her eyes she iddnt know where she was she doesnt know who i am . i took slow and steady steps towards her quivering form under the blanket i didnt know what to  do so i just relyd on instict 

i slowly took the blanket off and she was shakin so bad i thought she was gonna break ''sakura''i whispered and she jolted her head up like it was a command or something ''calm down your safe now no one will hurt you ever again'' she just looked a me confused '' do you know who i am''she shaked her head as a ''no''

''you are Sakura Haruno daughter of mebiku haruno but not the daughter of kizashi haruno you are the daughter of pein haruno '' i said and she just looked really confused i answered her untold question of who he really was ''My name is pein haruno ''

She widened her eyes at me i could see all the hurt and rejection in her eyes . I reached out to touch her and she backed away a little it hurt me but i under stood from what itachi told me kizashi had no right to even be around sakura ''I wont hurt you sakura'' i helt out my hand to her and she looked at it for like five minutes i didnt budge i will wait till she takes it i will wait for her to trust me even just a little 

Normal POV

Sakura didnt know what to do she had no idea who he was only to find out he was her father but could only beleive its true as dhe sensed his chackra he didntl lie not once he kept holding his hand to sakura , and sakura decided that just maybe she could have a father that will love her

But in the back of her mind, she thought 'Will he love me? Will he hurt my just like daddy? ''

Sakura lifted her hand up to his and took it weakly standing up but falls down due to chackra loss she expected to hit the hard ground but she didnt pein or in other words her father caught her in his arms and lifted her up she didnt utter a single word as she was being carried out the door into a room she didnt know if it was hers or someone else's she doubted it was hers she would probably just have mat to sleep on 

But to her surprise pein opened the room and saw a little back haired kid with black eyes being approached he looked up and they both immediantly saw eachother pein put her down and thought it best to leave them alone they  needed this 

Itachi's POV

After pein left

''Sakura are you ok? what happened back then? who took you? How come i couldnt see your chackra ya know what i don't care come here'' i said in one breathe i felt her stiffen as i pulled her into a hug she was too shocked to speak we pulled apart ''Please say something i havnt heard your voice in forever''

''Is he really my true father'' she said just above a whisper but i heard i nodded and said ''yes he never intended to leave he was prottecting your mother and at that time she didnt know she was pregnan with you nor did pein he is our true father and i promise he will never treat you badly ok'' i said protectivly in a serious tone after all it was all true i didnt want her to think she was never loved she's like a sister to me

I saw her walking out after she stood up i looked at her confused and asked ''Sakura where are you going we dont know this place'' 

She just nodded and walked out the room im guessing she just needs some time she's soo young to have gone through this im not surprised she wants to be alone

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