Nice to meet you.

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Josh POV

I was walking back from meeting with jake, my dealer. I was almost 16 and last week at a party i'd gotten myself addicted to heroin. I love the feeling it gives me, it lets me forget everything I hate about myself. Everything everyone else hates about me.

I was taking a short cut through the park so I could get home faster. I was just passing a cluster of trees when I thought I heard someone crying. I went passed the first couple trees and came across a girl, about my age maybe younger, with jet black hair with red streaks in it. Looks like my hair except mine has blue.

This girl was beautiful, but obviously broken by something. "Hey, you ok? I was walking past and heard you crying."

She nodded and looked up at me, she really is beautiful, but I can't focus on that now. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

I went over and sat down beside her at the base of the large tree, "no you obviously aren't. What's wrong?" I asked, leaning over my own knees so I could see her better.

She sobbed again, "my mom has cancer. I just got a call from the hospital saying she doesn't have much time left. And my dad is away on business and won't be back for a couple days."

I put my arm around her and pulled her in for a side hug, "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through." I said rubbing my hand up and down her arm, "if you don't mind me asking, how long did the doctor mean when he said 'not long'?"

She sat up and thought for a minute, "from 1 day to a week." She said while wiping her eyes.

I stood up, "ok. Come on." I said holding my hand out to her.

She took and and got herself up, "where are we going?" she asked as I led her back to the path.

I started her off toward my house, "my mom can drive you to the hospital to ..." I tried to find better words but they weren't coming, "say goodbye."

She didn't stop walking with me, "are you sure? I mean, you aren't just trying to kidnap me?" I laughed and shook my head, "I don't want to put your mom out. Especially when neither of you know me."

I looked over at her, "I know you - kind of"

She looked at me skeptically, "really. What's my name?"

I stopped and thought for a second before holding my hand out to her, "I'm josh."

She laughed before shaking it, "porcelain. but you can call me porce if you'd rather."

We kept walking, "'porcelain'. I like it. It's unique. I could give you soo many mean nicknames right now. But I won't considering the circumstances."

She smiled and laughed, "great thanks. I think."

I nodded, "this is me." I said leading her up the pathway to my front door. "My moms home too."

I opened the door and held it there for porcelain. I went inside after her and called out for my mom. I had to leave porcelain in the living room while I went and looked for my mom or Sara. Someone who could drive us to the hospital.

Porcelain POV

Josh brought his mom back downstairs, she was just cleaning the bathroom. He brought her back into the living room, "mom. This is porcelain. Porcelain, this is my mom, Caroline."

I stuck my hand out to her, "hi." I said shyly.

She smiled sweetly at me, "hello, nice to meet you." I nodded, "well, Josh tells me you need a ride to the hospital. I'd be happy to take you, I was just about to take his sister to the mall, we can drop you off in the way there and pick you up on the way back."

I smiled, looking her in the eyes for the first time, "you're sure it's not too much trouble?" She nodded.

Josh stood from the arm of the couch, "I'm just gonna grab a hoody from downstairs. I'll be right back." He said more to me than his mom.

His mom nodded anyway, "I'll go get Sara." She said as Josh was downstairs already.

Josh came back up wearing one hoody and carrying another. "Here. It might get cold later." I smiled and took the jacket from him. "You don't talk much do you?" he said smiling.

I shook my head, "not really in the mood."

He put his arm around me, "right. Sorry."

We made our way to the car and drove to the hospital.

This is going to be one of the most emotional days of my life and I'm spending it with someone I barely know.

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