Chap. 6

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After closing and locking the front door I quickly hang the keys on a hook nearby.

Immediately rushing into my bathroom with the new plastic white bag I'd brought home. I didn't want to waste anytime.

Going into the drugstore, grabbing the product, and the look on the cashier's face while paying out my item, was all too embarrassing.

"Are you excited?" The late forties-looking europen man said with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, forgetting his question and grabbing some paper towels, sitting them on the counter next to the sink.

I remove the pregnancy test from the bag and then take the white and blue stick out of the little pink box.

My heart was pounding. I was nervous, and now I realize this whole time, I have been. My hands were trembling as I unbuttoned and pulled down my lightwashed jeans.

Next, sit, and pee.

I flip the pink box to the back and read over the instructions carefully.

Still trembling, I grip the plastic white stick slightly, trying to not hyperventilate.

I pull the blue cap off, with a deep breath.

"Please, God. Don't let me be pregnant." I say a little prayer.

I lean over and force out a stream on the stick, very messy and awkwardly.

Warm pee trickled down my fingers. Gross.

It felt weird to sit here and do this, almost like an experiment; silly.

Could I really be pregnant, or did I just have an awful morning?

I shrug and sit the stick on the paper towels I'd prepared.

The instructions said to wait a bit before seeing the result.

My foot felt tingily, like it was asleep while I stood up to wash my hands.

I now felt the urge to lay down.

I wrap the stick in the paper towels like a taco and sit it on my night stand before I flop back first, onto my matress sinking into it.

I had just woken up but I'm tired again. I could barely keep my eyes open, the dimness of light and quiet paired together was making me tired.

My eyes finally shut, and immediately my left wrist starts to feel a buzzing sensation.

My phone was ringing. I struggle to lift my eyelids before picking up the phone and answering immediately.

"Hello." I speak with a flat tone.

"Hey, Sonya. It's Sabrina, what's been going on with you? You never answer the phone and whenever I go in Chelsea's, you aren't there." She asks, and I could hear the background noise.

Cleary from the show Family Feud.


"Um, girl its nothing. Just bad timing and I've been a tad busy. But hey, I'll make it up to you later I have to call my mom, bye love you." I end the call before she can say anything.

I inhale deeply and slow, and exhale slower before sitting up.

She was right, had I seen who was calling, I wouldn't have answered her. I need time to stop acting like a bitch and lose this fatigue.

I search through my contacts on my phone and fine my mom's number.

My thumb lingers over the call button for a second, I couldn't help but hesitate.

Our relationship isn't the strongest, there's a lot of tension.

I grunt out of frustration and toss my phone across the bed.

Fuck that.

Especially if I actually do end up pregnant...

Deep thought takes over and Damion floats to the surface of my mind again.

*buzz buzz buzzz*

Sabrina starts calling again, and even with my frustration, I pick up the phone, "Hello."

"You finally picked up. I've been meaning to talk to you." Damions voice sounded on the other line.

My heart raced frantically, its been a while since I've talked to him.

"Yeah, sorry about that. But how are you? Whats up." I ask politely.

"Umm fine, but I miss you. It feels like you're avoiding me, but I hope I'm wrong." He says.

I close my eyes, wincing. I didn't know I would hurt his feelings.

"Well, how about you come over. I'm feeling a little introverted right now." I admit, plus I'm still kind of tired.

"Of course. Are you okay, though, you sound like you need a hug." somehow I can tell he's smiling.

I sit up, and slide off my bed, "Uhhh..." I stretch my arms out and plop them to the side, deciding to check the test.

I unwrap the stick, checking the box that was no longer blank.

"Pregnant." It read in all bold print.

"Umm...." suddenly, my breathing becomes heavier, and faster. I can't catch my breath.

"Sonya, what's wrong?" Damion asks.

"I-" my body was completely giving up.

I'm pregnant? I'm. Pregnant.


My vision was getting darker, and Damion's voice was becoming fuzzy. I tilt forward, unable to keep balance, landing onto open carpet.



"Sonya? Yo?!" I scream into the phone, no answer.

I hang up the phone, grabbing my keys and putting on my running shoes.

She fainted. I'm thinking of the absolute worst.

Did she hit her head? Was she inside the house?

I'm already on my way, barely speeding. Ten minutes later, I reach her house. I hop out the car after parking, and head to the front door.

It's locked. Damn.

I blow out a heavy breath of frustration. Looking around for anyway to get in.

I look under her welcome matt, and there it was, a silver spare key.

I walk into her bedroom, not bothering to close the door.

Her body was limp on the floor, her head uninjured. Coming up closer, I see a thermometer in her hand. She must've known she was sick. I grab it from her loosely wrapped fingers to check her temperature.

"Pregnant" it read.

I drop the "thermometer" that was actually a pregnancy test.

My mouth was hung open, I see why she herself was passed out.

I bite my lip, it hurts a lot. I could have told her how I felt, but now its too late.

I pick her up, and get us on the way to the hospital.

Because I still love her.

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