Chap. 8

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My eyes are wide open, yet I can't see. A lump of what feels like pure anxiety, clogs my throat.

I heard him clearly, and wanted to process the lie I was about to tell.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just being nosy." Damion muttered from behind me.

And in that moment, I realized my head was still on his lap, numb. I really couldn't move my head off of this man's lap, because of that one question.

How do you explain to your best friend that he got you pregnant in the back of your own car?

Answer: you can't.

Lightbulbs, one by one flash throughout my thoughts, forming the perfect lie. And as the thoughts, words, and letters come together, I sit up, eye level with him.

"Ben." My voice was hardly audible. Even though I really didn't like this guy, it was very hard to lie on him like this.

Before I could add more lies to create an illusionary scene, he was up and on his feet. He began to pace slow, back and forth. My eyes followed him, trying to predict what he was going to do.


"Hold on..." he blurted. His right hand slid across his mouth and rested there, clearly uncomfortable.

"Listen, I'm not going to knock you for being pregnant, but why him? And is he going to be there for you?"

I could tell, he didn't like what I'd said. I thought Ben was just a name to him, really.

"Both of those questions I can't answer." well, at least that's true, because I'm a liar.

"Hell nah, because we can go and get some answers. Where does he stay? What's his number?" Damion's tone at this point was serious, almost ready to fight.

"NO. You can't talk to him...there's a lot more issues...than that" I close my eyes for a second to ask god for forgiveness, for the sins that are being committed.

"He's Jamie's boyfriend. He came over one day looking for her and we ended up hanging out and then, you know..." I couldn't even finish the imaginary events.

"Jamie and him live together so there's no way you can do that without ruining our relationship." I lie more, feeling like shit for involving Jamie into my mess.

"Not only did you sleep with him, you let him cheat on your best friend with you. Do you know how lame that shit is? Could you really blame her for not fucking with you no more?" His "fax" side comes out and he starts calling me out on my nonexistent actions.

I want to smile, even in this situation because he's making me so proud. "No. And I know I was wrong but it happened there's nothing I can do. Please just keep this on the low, okay?" I ask of him.

He nods, irritated with me and my decisions.

"So, what are you going to tell her? You only have 9 months. Ben needs to step up for the baby, and you need to be mature."

So really... I have nine months to tell him it's his baby. That would be absolutely horrible to wait all that damn time...because then why should he believe me?

I run my hands and fingers up my face, frustrated. I shouldn't have involved my own friend.

"Don't worry about that. It's between me and her in the first place, I shouldn't have told you anything." And with those last statements, the room was dead quiet.

An abrupt knock on the door broke the silence, and without saying anything, Damion opened the door.

"Hi, you had the two medium size pizzas, your total is twenty-one thirty-seven." said the delivery girl. She had the pizzas in hand and a smile on her face.

Damion took out his wallet and counted twenty-two dollars before grabbing the pizzas and handing her the money.

"The order is wrong and ya breath stank." He said blankly and closed the door. Shook, I watch him kneel down and look through the peephole, smirking.

"She is clownin, she kicked over one of your pots" he said, pressed against the door.

I was too annoyed to care, "Boy that was rude as fuck. She probably thought it was yours. And I was just proud of you for spitting fax. Lord, when we're done eating, you gonna leave."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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