johnny cade

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summary: you and johnny are out at the lot

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summary: you and johnny are out at the lot. it's winter and neither of you have anywhere to go, so you spend time together trying to distract each other from the cold

[this is a mess idek what this is]

I had my hands shoved in my pockets of my denim jacket, making my way to the lot. Despite the fact that it was freezing out, I was determined to go to my little escape that was away from everything happening in my home life.

I'm Y/n Randle, but most people just know me as Steve's "bratty sister". In reality I'm not bratty and I'm pretty sure people don't think I'm bratty, but my brother just decided to give me the nickname.

I'm the second youngest person in the gang. Steve doesn't even want to admit that I'm part of the group. He's still a little wary about having a girl in the group, let alone it being his kid sister.

I'm 15 years old, but Steve insists on treating me like I'm a five year old. I'm only two years younger than him but he seems to be in denial of that and treats me like a toddler.

I don't mean in the protective way, although when it comes to drastic things he will be protective. I mean he thinks I can't understand basic things, he acts like I'm the most annoying person ever, and he always gets upset when I'm around him and the gang because he thinks I'm just the annoying sibling who constantly wants to tag along and hang out with them.

Ponyboy and I have talked about it and both feel kind of bad about how Steve treats us, but that's not the main problem I have at home.

My dad is a real prick. He's abusive and it sucks to say the least. He's harsher with Steve than he is with me because "Steve's a man", but he's still pretty bad to me too.

I thought that maybe our problems with our dad would bring Steve and I closer together, but I realise it just makes us more distant. I wish I could break through into his world and be more to him than an annoying little sister.

I finally made it to the lot and couldn't help but smile when I saw a familiar boy there.

There sat Johnny Cade, who was sitting by a fire he started for himself. He was clearly shivering from the cold.

I walked over and sat down. Johnny jumped slightly by my presence, but was immediately at ease when he realized it was just me.

"Oh, hey Y/n." He spoke calmly now even though I had just accidentally scared the living daylights out of him.

"Hey, Johnnycakes." I rubbed my hands together and put them near the fire, trying to warm up.

"What are you doing out here? You'll freeze to death." Johnny asked. I shrugged.

"Rather freeze to death than be beat half to death, right?" I replied. He shrugged too.

"Guess you're right."

"And I'm assuming you're out here for the same reasons as me?" I questioned. Johnny looked into the fire now, too.

"Yeah. Parents are fighting. It's real bad." He admitted. I sighed.

"It sucks, ya know?"

"What do you mean?" Johnny's eyes flickered over to me and I looked at Johnny now, too.

"No one deserves this. To be too afraid to go home and be forced to stay out in the cold in the middle of the night." I said. Johnny averted his gaze, seeming tense.

"Maybe I do." He spoke quietly. Now it was me who tensed up.

"What'd you just say?" I stared at him, my eyes wide. He didn't look me in the face and just stared at his hands.

"Johnny, you're my best friend and one of the nicest boys I've met. I can't stand to hear you talk about yourself like that." I spoke softer, trying to make it clear that I was concerned and not mad.

He was still nervously fiddling with his hands, an anxious habit of his that I had noticed over the years.

I slowly reached over and grabbed his hand. He hesitated before slowly lacing his fingers with mine and he looked up at me.

I had never noticed how... Gorgeous Johnny was?

He didn't have his hair all greased up at the moment, so his hair was left to be all fluffy and perfect. The light from the flames was reflected in his eyes, giving them a warm, glowing affect.

Johnny looked at me too, and we stayed silent. I wasn't sure what to say at the moment, I wasn't sure if I should even say anything.

"Are you cold?" He asked. I snapped out of my daydream.

"W-what? Oh, no I'm fine." I lied, giving him a weak smile.

Johnny sat up, letting go of my hand as he took off his jean jacket. I immediately began protesting.

"Johnny you're gonna die out here in the cold!" I whined. He gave me the jacket and I threw it back at him. He threw it and soon it became a game of hot potato, both of us swiftly passing the jacket back and forth.

Johnny gave up and just draped the jacket over my shoulders. I gave in and pulled it closer to my body.

Johnny and I just leaned against each other now, both of us still occasionally giggling from our stupid antics.

"You've really cheered me up, Johnnycakes." I looked at him again. Johnny looked down at me as a shy smile graced his lips.

"You cheered me up, too." He was quieter when he said that. He sounded at peace.

We maintained eye contact and I could feel my heart beat picking up. I felt nervous, but in a good way. I think Johnny felt it, too.

I wanted to lean in. I wanted to put my lips on his, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. What if he didn't want that to happen? What if this was all in my head?

Johnny cut off my train of thought by quickly leaning in and connecting our lips. I was taken aback. I never saw Johnny as the type to make the first move, but I wasn't complaining.

I immediately melted into the kiss and he threw his arm lazily around my waist. I linked my arm around his neck, tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

His lips were cold and soft. He kissed me gently, but the passion in the kiss made my head spin.

We parted, leaving our foreheads resting together. I kept my eyes closed, our warm breath mingling together as we caught our breath.

"I've wanted to do that for a while actually." Johnny chuckled nervously. I giggled.

"Yeah, the feelings are mutual." I said softly. He grabbed my hand softly again and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach all over again.

Even though we had just kissed, I couldn't help but feel giddy when he did something as simple as grab my hand. No matter how often I was around Johnny, almost every single thing he did gave me butterflies.

It was like no matter how often I was around him, he always still managed to make me feel like I was falling for him all over again.

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