johnny cade

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summary: you help teach johnny how to play guitar

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summary: you help teach johnny how to play guitar

[there will be beatles references because I'm sad and I miss them]

(It's been forever since I've updated anything I'm sorry sksk)

He watched as her fingers effortlessly moved from chord to chord, forming a song with seemingly no struggled at all.

She was sat at the foot of her bed, biting her lip in concentration as she watched her fingers play out the tune of 'The Night Before' by The Beatles. She made it look easy, but in reality she had spent years perfecting the way she played the instrument.

She smoothly transitioned into the solo as Johnny watched in wonder.

"Jeez, Y/n..." The phrase passed his lips as his eyes stayed staring at the girl's fingers. Y/n's eyes glanced up at him as her fingers still moved perfectly.

"Pretty tuff, huh?" She smirked as she abruptly stopped playing. Johnny tried to hide his disappointment but he must've done a bad job, because Y/n let out a soft laugh.

"Did you want me to keep playing?" She asked, setting the guitar aside. Johnny shrugged, avoiding eye contact.

"I know, I'm just that amazing, aren't I?" She joked. Johnny looked back up at her from the floor again, smiling.

Y/n had always been different. She never cared about the rivalry between socs and greasers. Hell, she didn't even dress like either. She wore colorful button up shirts, jeans, color tinted glasses, vivid dresses and skirts, jeans that she tucked shirts into. She doodled on her jeans and arms, she wrote lyrics from her favorite songs across her skin. She dressed like a hippie.

She admired bands and music more than anything, constantly analyzing the lyrics of songs that she loved. She preached about changing the world, and she planned on being up on top like all of the musicians she looked up to. She had big plans to change the world, and Johnny wouldn't have been surprised if she did one day.

Johnny was always curious as to why Y/n preferred not to fall under any labels when it came to Socs and greasers. She stood out, which could sometimes be inconvenient. Johnny had once asked why she dressed and acted how she did and she had simply laughed. He hadn't asked since.

"You want me to teach you a couple chords?" She scooted back on the bed, patting the spot in front of her. Johnny hesitated, but slowly stood up and made his way closer to her. He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Go ahead, grab the guitar." She assured him. He carefully grabbed it and put it in his lap, unfamiliar with the feeling of even holding a guitar.

Johnny felt Y/n come closer and sit behind him, her legs against his as he was practically straddling him from behind. Johnny felt his face heat up, but Y/n seemed to have no problem with the proximity of their bodies.

"We can start off easy." Y/n's breath tickled Johnny's neck as she spoke softly and he bit his lip.

"I'll teach you the chords for what I was just playing, but I won't make you learn the solo since that's a little more complex." She assured him.

"First you'll play a D chord." She reached over his shoulder, showing him where his fingers were supposed to go. He put them in the same place and attempted to strum out the chord, but it came out as muted. He furrowed his eyebrows and Y/n giggled.

"Press down harder on the strings, Johnny."

He did what he was told and strummed it again. This time, the chord rang out and he couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

"Yeah, you got it!" Y/n clapped her hands down on his shoulders in a supportive gesture. Johnny let out a quiet laugh.

Y/n spent a few more minutes reaching him the chords he needed to know. He slowly but surely learned the G chord, C chord, and A7 chord.

"You're learning quick!" She spoke in delight as Johnny slowly but steadily transitioned between chords.

"Hey, Y/n?" Johnny suddenly stopped strumming and looked back at the girl. She looked into his eyes in confusion from his abrupt actions.


"Why do you not care about labels anyway? You put all your time and energy into music, but you've never once been phased by greasers and Socs. How come?"

"Why should I waste my time on something that won't matter? Labels aren't what's important in the end. People think greasers are just greasers and socs are just socs. In reality, we're all just people. Why should I worry?"

Johnny noticed just how close they were. Her legs were still around his waist and there was only an inch or two between their faces. He could smell her familiar scent of cigarettes and incense. He noticed the colorful stripes on her short sleeve button up blouse, the feeling of her jeans against his.

She was different and he loved it.

He set the guitar aside as he slowly leaned in closer, his nose brushing against hers. Her eyes slowly fell shut along with Johnny's as their lips brushed together.

Johnny finally pressed a hard kiss on her lips, slowly turning his body towards her. She let her arms slip around his neck as he took control, gripping her shoulders and lightly shoving her down so he was above her.

He didn't know what came over him. He'd never shown any signs of dominance or attraction towards Y/n, why now?

Y/n herself was surprised. She had never taken Johnny as the type who took control, but she loved it.

"Johnny..." The girl beneath him mumbled as they momentarily parted. He pecked her lips once more.

"You're different." Johnny breathed. Y/n smiled to herself.

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"It's good. It's great." He answered before kissing her again.

(okay so I hate how this turned out)

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