sodapop curtis

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summary: sodapop calls you and sounds upset about something. He shows up to your house and gives you some upsetting news.

I couldn't help but feel nervous. Sodapop had called me saying he had to talk to me about something serious. It was weird, he was never that vague when he wanted to tell me something. He usually would at least tell me what was bothering him over the phone before he showed up at my house or vise versa.

I guess today was different. He sounded like he was dead.

It was even more alarming that it was the middle of the night and he still felt the need to come over and talk to me. Usually if he was upset about something this late at night, he'd try and keep it to himself until the next day or he'd just call me for a couple minutes until he calmed down.

I stared at the window of my room for a moment and then turned over in my bed, looking at the wall. I knew he'd be tapping on my window softly any minute now.

Sure enough, I heard the tapping. I shot up and threw my blanket off of me, rushing over to the window.

I opened the window and smiled at Sodapop. He gave me a weak smile and entered my room.

"Hey, Baby." I whispered, making sure to stay quiet and not wake up my family.

Sodapop softly pecked my lips. "Hey."

"So, what's up Soda? You sounded different over the phone." I asked as we sat down on my bed. A shaky sigh passed his lips.

"You might hate me after this, but I... Just know I love you alright?" He didn't make eye contact with me and stared at the wall in front of him.

He looked so... Pretty. People always teasingly called him 'Pretty Boy' but I understand why. I don't mean he's pretty in a girly way, he just looks perfect. The moonlight outlined his features, and he didn't have any grease in his hair since it was the middle of the night and he washed it out.

I reached out and laced my fingers with his, causing him to glance at our hands and then look up at me. I smiled reassuringly.

"I'd never hate you, Soda." I mumbled.

"That's what makes this so difficult. I love you and you love me, I wish this could be easier." His voice was shaky now and he gripped my hand tightly.

"What is it?" I brought my other hand up to his cheek and made him look at me. He had been heartbroken since Dally and Johnny's deaths, but he'd never been this bad. Besides, they died two years ago. I don't think that's what he's so upset over.

My mind began to wander. Did he cheat on me? Was he trying to break up with me but didn't want to hurt my feelings? Did he secretly just use me to get over Sandy for the past two years?

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