dallas winston

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summary: dallas seems to get a little jealous when you talk about a certain boy you like

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summary: dallas seems to get a little jealous when you talk about a certain boy you like

"The gang's here!" Sodapop called as I was lounging in his and Ponyboy's shared bed. I was staring at the ceiling, listening to the soft music from the loud radio in the living room. It permeated through the cracked bedroom door and I couldn't help but softly tap my fingers along to the bass.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in a second!" I answered absentmindedly to my friend. I was close with the gang and had been relaxing around the Curtis house for most of the day.

'Drive My Car' by The Beatles played and my mind was immediately consumed by the thoughts of the band. I couldn't help but feel like every other teenage girl, swooning over the four talented young men in the band.

I let my eyes fall shut, becoming enveloped by the sound of John Lennon and Paul McCartney's angelic voices, the drums from Ringo Starr, and the guitar from George Harrison.

I let my fingers still subconsciously tap out the bass line that was played by Paul McCartney, following every single chord plucked.

"How dreamy." I sighed, letting my arms fall limp as I propped my hands behind my head once the song ended.

"Thinking about a boy?" I heard the familiar voice of Dallas Winston and a smirk crossed my features.

"Now that's none of your business, isn't it Dallas?"

"Who's this dreamy kid, huh?" I didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking. I opened my eyes nonetheless, glancing at him.

He was leaning against the doorway, seeming amused.

I bit my lip to prevent a mischievous grin as an idea popped into my mind.

"Well goodness, where do I start? One of the hottest guys I've seen. He's incredibly talented, it drives me wild." I pretended to sigh dreamily. Dallas crossed his arms.

"What else is special about the guy?"

"Want to take this conversation outside? I'd love a smoke right about now." I sat up, stretching.

We made our way outside, passing by the living room where the music was playing. To my luck, it had been other Beatles song.

We made it outside and Dallas shut the door behind him, muffling the music.

"So tell me about this boy who drives you wild." He passed me a cigarette as we both stood, looking out into the street from the porch. I brought the cigarette up to my lips and he lit it for me.

"Let's see... He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He dresses real nice, he's doing well for himself. He's not from around here."

"Oh shit, do you have eyes for a soc?" Dallas sounded disgusted.

"No, not exactly."

"What's his name?"

"Paul. Paul McCartney." I looked up at him, smirking as I took a drag from my cigarette.

"From The Beatles?"


"He's not even that good looking, why Paul McCartney?"

"I don't know Dal, he's pretty attractive to me."

"I look better than that guy."

I crushed my cigarette under my foot, snickering. I loved messing with Dallas, he was easy to bother.

"That's a pretty confident statement, Dal. Paul McCartney has millions of girls falling at his feet. There's a reason why he's got a swarm of fans praising his every move. It's called looks and talent." I leaned against the front of the house nonchalantly.

"You don't think I have good looks? I know a lot of broads who would disagree."

"I never said you weren't hot." I winked at him jokingly and another smirk broke out onto his face.

"Yeah?" He took a step closer to me.

"I might even say you're quite attractive yourself."

I turned and made my way towards the door when Dallas abruptly grabbed my wrists, pulling my back flush against his chest. His mouth was next to my ear as he breathed his next words in a way that he knew could drive any girl crazy.

"Can I let you in on a secret?" He exhaled his words onto my neck and I bit my lip, the tension clear between us.

"Enlighten me."

"You're pretty attractive yourself." His lips brushed against my neck as my breath hitched.

Dallas was known for teasing, and I had gotten into the habit of teasing back. He drove me insane and it only seemed fair to do the same to him.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're into me." My voice was soft as his lips still ghosted over the sensitive skin of my neck.

He pressed a kiss to the base of my neck and I leaned my head back into his shoulder. Dallas had never gone this far with the teasing, but I didn't plan on stopping him any time soon.

"That's a pretty confident statement." He spoke against my neck, repeating the words I had used against him.

He softly nipped at my neck, sucking on my sensitive skin. My eyes fell shut, an involuntary moan escaping me. Dal's arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest if that was even possible.

I turned my head to look at him now, stopping his actions as I did so.

Our faces were barely apart as our breath hit each other's faces. The heat of his body was against mine.

I kissed the corner of his lips briefly and his group loosened. I turned towards him as he looked at me. His eyes were dark with desire, and I knew that I probably had a similar look in my eyes.

I guess he didn't want this moment to end because soon I found myself pinned against a wall, his body fully pressed against mine as his lips brushed mine once more.

He kissed me again and I let my hands slide up his chest to his shoulders. At the action of my hands sliding against his body, he kissed me harder.

His hands travelled down to my waist as he slid has hands under my shirt. His warm hands gripped my waist and I let out a moan against his lips.

He parted from me momentarily, still barely leaving any distance between us.

"Say my name." His lips slightly touched mine as he spoke and I swear I could've melted on the spot at his words. How could he be this hot?

"Dallas..." I kissed him slowly and pulled away once more.

He kissed me roughly again and I pulled him closer if that was even possible.

He parted from me, our breathing heavy. I leaned my head against the wall, my eyes still shut as his grip still stayed on my waist.

I let my eyes flutter open as he softly pecked my neck and suddenly his touch was completely gone. I looked at him and he was a good foot away from me now.

"Paul McCartney couldn't make you feel like that though, could he?"

Before I could answer, Dallas made his way inside and the door shut behind him. I was left there, fingers against my lips as I replayed the moments that happened in my head.

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