jonathan brandis

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summary: you and jonathan are hanging out and awkwardly confess feelings for each other

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summary: you and jonathan are hanging out and awkwardly confess feelings for each other

[fluffy chapter since my other chapters were... not fluffy cOugh. this was a request]

The music from the radio in my room softly played as I looked through my closet, getting rid of old clothes I didn't want.

I stood there in a baggy red t-shirt that I had tucked into my black jean shorts. The heat of summer was practically unbearable, despite the fact that I loved nice weather (I keep writing imagines about summer because cold seasons make me sad lmao).

Jonathan was laying on my bed, flipping through a magazine I had laying around.

"I don't get what you're doing cooped up in your room." He said, causing me to turn around.

"If I go outside I'll die from the heat. It's one of the hottest days of summer. Besides, you're in here with me right now, aren't you?"

"Out of pity." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"That's charming." I spoke sarcastically, throwing a shirt I never wore into a bag sitting next to me.

Truth be told, I was going through my closet because I wanted to start dressing better. I had started going on a couple dates with this boy, and as much as I hated to admit it, I just wanted to impress him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jonathan speaking up again.

"What are you doing anyway? Why do you want to get rid of these clothes now?"

"Can I be real with you for a second?" I asked, knowing he'd make fun of me. He was laying on his stomach and looked up at me, propping his head up with his hands.

"Go for it."

"I've been going out with this boy and I just really want him to like me. I thought maybe if I dressed differently he'd like me more. It's stupid, I know. I never thought I'd be changing my style for a boy." I scoffed at myself, realizing how dumb it was.

I prepared myself to be made fun of by Jonathan, but he instead stayed quiet for a moment.

"You shouldn't have to change your style to impress a boy." He muttered, going back to the magazine. Before I could say anything the phone in my room began ringing.

I went over to it, picking it up.


"Hey, Y/n." A familiar voice rang out. I smiled to myself. It was the boy I liked!

"Hey, what's up! We still on for the movies on Saturday?" I asked, curling the phone cord around my finger.

"Yeah, about that..." He trailed off nervously. My smile faltered.

"What's wrong?" I asked. This caught Jonathan's attention because he now looked up at me, trying to study my facial expression.

I turned away from Jonathan, not wanting him to see me.

"I don't think we should keep going out. I just... I don't really see you as someone I'd want to be with romantically. Could we still be friends?" He asked. My heart sank.

"Oh, friends... Yeah, of course." The excitement in my voice disappeared.

"Okay, great! Thanks, Y/n. You're the best. I gotta go now."

"Yeah, see ya." I hung up the phone, sighing. I felt stupid. How could I have thought a boy like him would like someone like me?

I sat down on the bed next to Jonathan, staring at my closet. I didn't know what to do.

"Y/n?" Jonathan sat up, scooting next to me. My eyes welled up with tears. I felt childish crying over a boy, but I had really liked him. I thought he was great and maybe for once a boy I was interested could like me.

"He doesn't even like me." I said in disbelief, still staring off. Jonathan wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. I brought a hand up to my face, hiding my tears.

"Hey, don't cry. There's plenty of other guys out there. Anyone would be lucky to date you, Y/n. He just was too blind to see that." He rubbed my back in a comforting manner and I leaned into him, comforted by his presence.

Jonathan had always been there for me. Through thick and thin, he stuck by my side no matter what. He let me gush about crushes, cry when I was in a bad mood, and despite how dorky I was he still stuck around and boosted my confidence.

Maybe I should like a boy like him for once.

"You're the best friend I've ever had." I told him, looking up at him. He smiled softly at me.

"You're my best friend, too."

We stayed silent as he just held me while I calmed down. After a few minutes he broke the silence.

"I wish you'd find a guy that really liked you for you." He said. I looked at him again. I had always thought Jonathan would be that guy for me, but after a while I pushed the thought of him and I together to the back of my mind. I never thought he'd see my like that.

"Hypothetically speaking, would you ever like me for me? Or do you think you'd leave me after a bit?"

"Oh, I'd definitely like you. Not even hypothetical." He said, smiling. My eyes widened.

"Really? You're not kidding?"

"I'm serious."

"I used to always want to be with you, ya know. I just never brought it up because you were my best friend and... I didn't want to ruin that."

"Yeah, I get it. I did the same thing."

"Oh. Guess we're both pretty nervous, huh?" I giggled and he laughed softly.

"So uh, is this the part where I should kiss you?"

"That'd be great."

(what even is this)

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