Chapter 6

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*Adams P.O.V.*

I bet you guys are wondering who I am? Ill give you the short version of the story , my name is Adam and I guess you could say that I'm not your ordinary nineteen year old guy. I'm not actually nineteen I was a really really really long time ago like five hundred years ago. I know what your thinking he must be a vampire , well your Wrong I'm nothing of the sort vampires are vile creatures who have to feed off the life force of humans to keep their immortality. I was born into a clan of aristocrat immortals, The Phoenix clan. My clan is the highest level of immortal because we do not depend on others to stay alive unlike those bottom feeder vampires.

In my clan when a male or female reaches their five hundred and twentieth birthday they must find a mate , if they do not find a mate by this time they will be entered into a random lottery were a mate will be chosen for them but it is unknown what clan or even spices they will be from. I have seen this before it can be very ugly and I personally refuse to be married to someone or something I do not love. It is very hard for people of our clan to find there mates because your mate must be your equal in every way, notice I said equal not match that means they must be just as smart as you but you might have book smarts and they have street smarts, or you might have incredible speed on land while your mate would have that same speed in the water. You can see how this would make it difficult to find a mate.

In the old days many of my people would spend half their lives trying to find a mate, sometimes they would find them and other times they would not , but four years ago one of the scientists in our clan Tyler designed the DreamScape a machine that searches the world for your perfect equal and allows you to communicate with them trough dreams. When I used the DreamScape for the first time I was so happy that I was finally going to find my mate but something went wrong , instead of making contact with my mate I saw darkness and the back of a woman and when I went to touch her shoulder she began to run and instincivly I chased after her and this went on until I woke up for the past four years , yesterday I finally saw her. She was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

I can't stop thinking about her I wish I knew her name , the DreamScape sinds your mate but it doesn't find there name or any other information. My room seems like a prison as I wait for nightfall , it is now 9:00pm two more hours to go.

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