The strike..

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He'd soon strike as I squeaked thinking he'd grab ahold of me and drag me away. It was a soft kiss on the forehead the same soft kiss I've felt before. It wasn't a dream, I've thought to myself. Looking up at him as he rattled with a smirk. Not sure what to do or how to react, I'd study him. "Your playing me aren't you??" Asking him with a careful tone. He'd chuckle with a reply "Why would I play someone as beautiful as you" he'd slither around me to where his body is wrapped around. Nodding with a distant and careful look.

* later that day *

Rattlesnake Jake has already left as I rode my bird on the outer skirts of the city for practice of sharp turns and jumping semi high jumps. Mayor John along with the little gang were soon noticed them at the corner of my eye. "Why be alone??" Mayor John asked. Keeping quiet as I'd get one last semi high jump in before Jake bolted out of a tunnel. Soon he'd tackle me off of the bird keeping me on the ground with my bird freaking out a bit.

Rattlesnake Jake x reader "rango"Where stories live. Discover now