Chapter 21

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               Rattlesnake Jake POV

While studying and watching the stalker, he'd soon head off into town unnoticed by everyone.
"What does this guy want with (y/n)" he thought to himself.
While going to where the stalker is at. It turned out to be mayor johns assistant. The gun starts to rattle as he'd hiss. The fangs show as well, the assistant looks back all frightened as well as a muffled scream. No one noticed her screams since he striked at her injecting venom into her along with suffocating her.

                             Spoons POV

After a few days with no mayor we'd all gather to make (y/n) the new mayor even with her there to see if she'd like to become mayor. She wasn't sure but wanted time to think about it. Even Rattlesnake Jake was wanting her to be mayor.

((Should she be mayor?? Also should I continue this story??))

Rattlesnake Jake x reader "rango"Where stories live. Discover now