chapter 6: A date with Aoi Zaizen

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Miserea P.O.V:

I slowly open my eyes only to get hit with a bright light to the face. I find myself staring up at a ceiling. When I tried to get up I groan at the pain that was sent though my body causing me to lay back down.

Miserea: this sucks

Suddenly a door opens to reveal AI in the door way.

AI: Oh good your finally awake I'll go get blue angel.

AI leaves the go get Blue Angel and not even 30 seconds later blue angel comes in worried.

Blue Angel: Miserea I'm glad your awake, are you ok?

Miserea: I'm fine but can I ask y'all something, what happened?

AI: you were dueling the guy in the cloak known as Silver. When the duel started a blue cirlce enveloped the both of you, whenever either of you would take damage it somehow becomes real.

Miserea: I remember now, when his Drillago attack me directly it felt like I was getting drilled in my chest.

AI: you should be carful around him.

Blue Angel: that reminds me why was he after you in the first place?

AI: He was after me because not only can I find the location of all the Ignis's in Link VRAINS and the real world but I can also access a small portion of the Cyberse World.

Blue Angel: No way.

Miserea: so that's why he wanted you, so he could use your power.

AI nods.

AI: the worst part about him is that he's worst even trying against the both you.

Both: WHAT!!!

AI: the deck you've both seen him use against you was just some cards put together, his true deck has yet to be seen.

Blue Angel: but if he could beat me and do so much damage to Miserea with just some cards put together then-

AI: then dueling him with his real deck is a death wish.

The room suddenly becomes silent as you both try and process what she just told you, until you got up.

Miserea: well it doesn't matter at the moment now does it.

Blue Angel: you shouldn't be up your still recovering from your injuries.

Miserea: I'll be alright, anyway I got to go see ya.

You log out as you appear in your room but as soon as you tried to walk you felt the pain from before.

Y/n: damn, even though I'm not in Link VRAINS anymore the pain is still there. Might as Well get some sleep for tomorrow.

You lay in your bed as you slowly drift off.

-Timeskip to school-

You arrive at the school and see Aoi talking to some guy with dark blue hair that spikes outward in the back and contains light blue bangs with pink accents.

As she finished talking to the male she see's you as she makes her way towards you.

Aoi: hey y/n, how was your weekend?

Y/n: I-it was good. Are about you?

Aoi: mine was fine.

*Ding dong*

Aoi: we should probably get to class quickly otherwise were gonna be late.

Y/n: right.

You both run towards the school and made it to class just in time.

Aoi Zaizen (Blue Angel/ Blue Girl) x male reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now