Chapter 1

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"No matter what! Promise me!" he shook her furiously, his skin covered with soot and his onyx eyes ferocious yet desperate. "Even if it all ends, you have to continue on and kill him! For the sake of us, for the sake of everyone! Promise me!"

His grip on her was tight and his lips wavered, not wanting to let her go. He didn't want to leave her but what choice did they have? She was the only one out of them that could go unnoticed and the only one who had the potential to carry on what they couldn't. Seeing her face full of sadness and despair, he realized that he might never have a second chance to hold her like this or even laugh and talk with her again. Pulling her in, she widened her eyes as he breathed in her scent, his voice shaking but he managed to make out a smile when he let go.

"We'll definitely see each other again," he grinned. "And I'll definitely return to your side, Lucy!"

Tears welled up in her eyes as he stood up and ran to where everyone was, dealing with the chaotic nature of the monster and the destruction at hand. Buildings crumbled down and fires scorched the earth, the sound of ashes rising in the air mixing with the tumbling of stones and cement. With her long, blonde hair flowing out behind her, she gripped the ground as she called out to him.

"Natsuuuuuuu!!!" she cried.

Another building tumbled down and crashed down in front of her, blocking her from the view of the battleground. No matter how hard she wanted to move and no matter how hard she wanted to get up and go to them, she couldn't. She was bound to the ground where she was and she could only sit there and watch with tears streaming down her cheeks. The battle raged on and the next thing she knew, everything had become monotonous and her surroundings turned to black.

In a Labratory~

Wires and instruments were hung up and about and the only source of natural light shone itself through the bars of a small window near the ceiling. Laying there in a glass encasement with numerous wires attached to it was a small girl, no more than fifteen years of age. The red light at the bottom of the machine signaled green and the sound of something unlocking could be heard. White steam poured out from the machine as it opened its glass compartment, bringing the girl into contact with the outside world. Opening her eyes ever-so-slowly, her honey-chocolate orbs dotted around as she saw nothing but a white room and white lights with machines scattered everywhere. Clutching the armrest, she sat up, her long, golden hair falling down to the ground beside her in locks as it covered her nude body. Her long eyelashes half-covered those beautiful orbs of hers as she looked down at the ground, her lips pursed.

"This is...?" her toes touched the ground.

Standing up, she pulled out the needles that were attached to her and walked towards the door only to come in contact with an invisible, glass wall. Feeling it, she looked up before bringing her eyes back down, her expression blank. In an instant, the glass shattered and floated in midair as she passed through before dropping down onto the ground. Unlocking the door, she stepped out and went up the long, winding stairs. As she made her way to the top and unlocked the door, she felt her feet land upon soft, wool and she stared at the floor behind her. It was white, wool carpeting. Looking up, she noticed that it was a neatly decorated playroom assorted with tones of white and pink. Soft, stuffed animals and cushions laid here and there with games stacked neatly into a side shelf where a computer desk sat. Turning around, she noticed that the door had disappeared. Narrowing her eyes, she reached her hand out but before she could do anything, a voice sounded and she looked up to see an intercom.

"I wouldn't try to destroy anything if I were you."

She glared at him. He was clothed in white and everything about him raised suspicions from those around. Giving a slight chuckle, the man simply took into amusement that she was there and nothing more, knowing that no matter how strong she was, he wouldn't be able to touch her.

"First off, I'd like to congratulate you," he said and his voice really did show excitement. "You're the first and only successful experiment that has been created. My ultimate goal. My ultimate weapon. To think that such large amounts of antimatter would actually be stabilized all into just one person's body. Honestly, as expected of someone of that infamous group of assassins, Fairy Tail. Don't you think so, Lucy Heartfilia?"

Lucy widened her eyes but before she could speak out, he interrupted her.

"Know that just as I created you, you're in no position to harm me. Nor can you do so," he said. "Moreover, know that you're an important creation to me so, be at ease, I'll treat you in the best possible way. Just like how a father would treat his daughter."

She stared at him, knowing the changes that had been done to her body. "What do you want?"

He laughed. "As expected of the person they desperately tried to protect. All I want is for you to simply follow an order from me. That's it. Just one and simple order. To kill someone."

"And why would you think that I would simply follow you," she said. "With this body that you gave me, there's much more that I could do than simply follow your orders."

"Of course there's much more that you can do with that new body of yours," he laughed heartedly. "Other than new abilities that go beyond human capabilities, there really is nothing different. But, you will follow my order," he stared down at her. "If you want to save your friends, that is."

She widened her eyes and stood her ground. "You-!"

"Now don't go destroying that mansion I built for you, my precious little Lucy. It didn't cost quite a lot of money but it did cost quite the effort," he said underneath that white cloth of his. "Now then, I'm sure you want to know where your friends are, right?"

Lucy remained silent.

He smiled. "Don't worry. After that intense battle, they're all at my laboratory," he said but soon smirked. "Of course, on the verge of life and death with their times stopped."

He showed her the glass encasements that held her friends and most of all, the person most dear to her. Seeing his salmon pink hair and his unconscious face, she wanted to reach out to him and go rescue them this instant without a second thought. But, before she could catch any more glimpses to give her a clue, he stood in front of the screen again and blocked her view.

"The only person capable of saving them is you and the only decision you have is to follow me and obey my one command," he said. "It's simple, is it not? To exchange just one's freedom for the life of many others, it's not much to ask for. Besides, my command and your friends' wishes are one and the same."

"What are you talking about?"

Laughing, he smiled at her. "Kotaro Yanagisawa. Or you might know me as Shiro."

Lucy stood there, frozen. She knew that name. That was the name of the person whom Fairy Tail was indebted to and the person who they had been organized under. He was the person that had hired them and in respects to their law, he was the one whom they had to serve. She had heard little of his project but to think that such a project actually existed. Remembering the cause of that incident, her heart pounded in her chest as her blood boiled and raged. Seeing his smile all the more made her stomach churn but she couldn't disobey him. He was the indirect cause of the accident but at the same time, he was their contractor. No one dared to blame him for it wasn't in their position to do so. At first, he had kept them wrapped around his finger with money but now, he had her wrapped around his finger using the lives of her comrades.

"So what's your answer?"

Her bangs covered her eyes as her body trembled. "There was never a choice in the first place..."

Balling her hands into fists, she chuckled before bursting out into laughter. She looked up at the ceiling and remembering all the memories she had made with them as friends despite being in this line of work, she had no heart to betray them or to sacrifice them. Heaving a sigh, she lowered her head and stood there in silence.

"I understand."

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