Chapter 25

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"First off, I'd like to apologize for calling you guys here on such short notice," Lucy lowered her head before raising her head back up. "I asked for Sebas and the Pleiades to go pick you up for I have to ask you for a request."

"And it's a request that you cannot deny so long as you value your lives," Sebas's eyes darkened as the air in the room thickened.

They gulped.

"You can tell us," Isogai nodded his head as a bead of sweat rolled down his face. "We'll hear you out."

"Mhm," Kurahashi said with a bright face. "Since we decided to involve ourselves, might as go all the way!"

"She got that right," Kimura grinned.

"Go on and tell us," Nakamura smiled. "By now, we've dealt with our fair share of troubles and surprises."

"Moreover, we trust you and Korosensei," Hara placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"We believe in you," Kayano took Lucy's hands and smiled fondly as Korosensei softened his eyes as he looked at his students.

They really were an incredible group of students. When he had first decided to accept the job, he was ready to deal with all sorts of troubles and though he had dealt with a number of them, in the end, he really did like them. He had come to like these people, a feeling that he would've never come to have experienced if he had continued to remain an assassin. Of course, he saw that Lucy felt the same way, too. They were special and the two wouldn't have it any other way.

Lucy smiled with a rosy hue and Karma and Nagisa smiled silently to themselves upon seeing her expression. At first, they had been anxious about how the other's reactions would be but after seeing so many things and being through so many things while they trained to kill Korosensei, they had become more accepting and calmer each time something unknown was thrown their way out of the blue.

"Thank you," she said.

Seeing her face full of joy made their hearts beat and they just wanted to cuddle her right now and reassure her of all of her worries. But, they knew it wasn't the right time for that.

"The reason why I called you guys here is because I need you guys to stay here until the New Year is over," Lucy said. "From what Sebas has gathered, none of you seem to be going overseas or out of the prefecture for the holiday."

They shook their heads.

"We did go to Hokkaido and the holiday break is pretty short," Kanzaki said before nervously chuckling. "Besides, my parents would've probably made me stay indoors and study."

"Right?" Maehara sighed.

"Then that'll make it easy," Korosensei grinned. "It's a good thing I put in advance that all of you will be joining Korosensei's special study boot camp."

"Without our permission?!" Sugino exclaimed.

"The only permission I need is from your parents and the government to which both have willingly given their permissions," Korosensei explained proudly as he reappeared with a stack of papers, each one having the parent signatures of the respective students.

Karasuma, who had been quietly standing to the side, nodded his head. He had sent out his squad to collect these in a hurry with, of course, Irina being one of the assists, too.

"After hearing the situation, we had to gather them in a hurry. I apologize."

"Well, no," Sugino looked guiltily at Karasuma, feeling bad for having made him apologize. "In the first place, what's the whole deal? I'm fine with staying here since anywhere is better than home but..."

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