[03] one night [16+]

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here's the flashback 🥰💜 enjoy x


"stay still, guk."

"sorry.. i'm just-" jeongguk mumbled in a small voice, looking at his reflection in the mirror as eunbi finished her last touch up on jeongguk's long, shiny dark wig. "-kinda nervous about doing this."

it was jeongguk's 18th birthday. somin couldn't spend the day with him as she was too busy with work and jeongguk didn't mind and understood that very well. plus she promised to take him out sometime later that week for a little celebration between the two.

jimin, on the other hand was on a vacation with his family somewhere so he couldn't be there to celebrate jeongguk's special day too. but jeongguk didn't mind at all, he was never really the type to celebrate birthdays and never really put so much thought about it- he didn't really care about birthdays.

but eunbi, of course, wouldn't let jeongguk's 18th birthday go to waste because apparently according to her, 18th birthday should be the best birthday ever.

and so, she made a plan which jeongguk somehow had agreed to, which was dressing him up as a girl and sent him off to a private club owned by someone she knew- just to put his sexuality on test as jeongguk was definitely still confused about it.

either way, jeongguk knew his two friends would always be there to support him for who he was no matter what his sexuality was.

eunbi smiled, feeling satisfied with her magic work on jeongguk's appearance. he pat the wig that was sitting prettily on jeongguk's head. "don't be, guk, come on look at you- you look perfect." she said and put on a pair of silver moon-shaped earrings on jeongguk's cute little ears cautiously.

"it's not that.." jeongguk muttered, eyes full of worry as he looked at eunbi's reflection in the mirror. "w-what if they found out that i-i'm guy after talking to me or something? g-god that's-"

"how, guk? please, you look like an actual girl i swear so stop worrying!" eunbi said, putting her hands on jeongguk's shoulder reassuringly.

jeongguk nodded slowly. in korea, being gay still wasn't really widely accepted in their society. jeongguk was worried that someone would find out that he was actually a man and like- beat him up or something-

he was just too worried. and too much of overthinking.

but then again, he knew he looked like an actual girl and felt so fucking beautiful in the blouse and little skirt he was in.

eunbi had applied a light makeup on jeongguk, dolling him and making him look even prettier, as if he wasn't already was to begin with.

with a last goodbye bid by eunbi, there jeongguk stood, left alone at the little bar.

his hand was tightly clutching the little white purse slowly swaying on his side. jeongguk then took a deep breath before strutting off in his heels towards the bar. he could feel the wild eyes of people, especially men around him checking him out quietly.

that somehow made jeongguk felt slightly more confident about how much of a girl he looked like, eventhough there was a small part of him still worrying about getting caught red-handed.

he sat at the bar, crossing his pale smooth legs. he looked up to the bartender who stood across him with a welcoming smile. "good evening, miss. what would you like to have?"

jeongguk blushed when he heard the name and looked down on his laps. "d-do you m-maybe have-" he looked up to the bartender shyly and scratched his nape. "u-um b-b-banana milk....?"

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