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‼️ just wanna remind some of you that this is just a fan fiction so don't take it so seriously & literally,
just enjoy the ride ok 👺 ‼️


feeling a single vibration against his thigh, taehyung pulled out his phone from the pocket of his black shorts with his free hand while his other hand was occupied with a spoonful of grilled mushroom and scrambled egg.

taehyung munched the food and mindlessly glanced down to his phone, that was when he noticed that the notification was a text from jeongguk. eyes widen, he paused and slowly put down the spoon he was holding onto his plate.

oh my god.

'tae, i miss you. i hope you're doing ok.'

taehyung read the single text over and over again, staring at the screen while holding his phone with both hands. jeongguk finally texted him! he straighten himself up on the chair.

sitting across the table was taehyung's mom, she noticed the abrupt change in his posture and looked at him mischievously, "what's wrong?"

taehyung looked up from his phone, lips pressed together into a line as an attempt to contain the wide smile that was forming on his lips. "it's nothing, mom." stealing one last look at the text, taehyung flipped down his phone so the screen was pressed against the table surface and smiled awkwardly at her.

mrs. kim chuckled lightly, still looking at taehyung's sudden lively expression. she wondered what was he smiling about but as long as he was happy, she won't push him to tell her the cause of his smiles.

taking a few sips of her black coffee, she glanced at her wristwatch and gasped a little. "i gotta go now. see you later and don't skip lunch!" she snatched her handbag that was sitting on one of the empty chairs at the dining table and walked fast towards the front door.

"bye! love you!" taehyung shouted before she was completely gone from his sight.

finishing his last bite, taehyung left the dining table and ran upstairs towards his room with his phone in hand. "i'll clean up later!"

"i'll do it, don't worry about it!" one of the maids shouted after him.

closing the door shut, taehyung sat down on his bed and stared at his phone screen again, getting way too excited because of a simple text but it was from jeongguk! who pretty much NEVER texted him first, like EVER.

he thought hard about what he should say, and carefully typed a reply,

'i'm doing okay. i miss you too, ggukie.'

he absolutely missed jeongguk, and wanted to see him so bad. however, taehyung didn't want to rush anything yet as he was still figuring things out after the break up.

so he had no plan to somehow surprise jeongguk with his presence. he didn't want to scare the younger by texting him so suddenly after breaking up with his sister, it didn't feel right.

what he didn't know was jeongguk had been waiting for his text, literally, right after the breakup.

jeongguk wasn't expecting a whole text about how they should be together or love confessions, whatsoever from taehyung,
he was just missing him and wanted a text from taehyung telling him how he was doing — because he cares more about taehyung's feelings rather than his love for him.

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