[14] marry you someday

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long time no see huh



with a darkened expression, somin ran a hair through her long hair and waited for an answer, her burning gaze staring deep into taehyung's soul. "oh, so it is true then."

"w-what? no! i don't like him that way— how could you say something like that?" taehyung gritted under his teeth, heart beating faster than a running cheetah. "he's your brother, of course it's only natural for me to try to get along with him."

jeongguk stilled. he can't believe what was coming out of taehyung's mouth— lies after lies. why won't he just tell the truth and get it over with? wouldn't that better than spattering meaningless words and lying to her face about something so serious— that involved her feelings.

why don't i, as her brother, come clean to her? jeongguk asked himself. he knew that would singlehandedly end the connection he had with somin— who practically raised him with her money and hard work. what the fuck am i supposed to do? keep letting taehyung lie? flirt with him? make out with him when she's not around?

somin didn't move an inch from her current position, back leaning against the chair and arms crossed against her chest. she said nothing and just simply stared at taehyung.

the tension in the air increased so rapidly that the other customers at their tables around them started to notice it and giving them looks. jeongguk gripped the arms of his chair and anxiously looked down, avoiding anyone's gaze.

biting the inside of her cheek, somin sighed out loud and finally looked away from taehyung, who had his breath held in for so long. his eyes followed anywhere somin was looking at.

"this is what i've noticed for so long, taehyung." somin started, voice turning slightly softer yet still sharp and clear. "you don't look at me the same way you look at him. you don't look genuinely happy when you're with me,"

"or maybe not even close to feel as happy as you are when see or talk to him. it's like you only look forward to see me just to secretly steal glances at my brother." she said, staring at the black space ahead. "i feel like this whole relationship is one-sided sometimes and i deserve better, taehyung, i really do— i know i do."

"and can't you see how clearly uncomfortable my brother gets when you do that?" she pressed her lips into a thin line. "will you stop crushing on my brother or whatever thingy you have for him?"

"i'm so sorry you felt that way, somin— i had no idea. i-it's not because of jeongguk, i promise, i don't see him that way so please stop assuming that i like him instead of you, okay?" taehyung glanced quickly at jeongguk who looked at him with big eyes and looked took a deep breath.

somin hummed and turned to look at jeongguk. "so, jeonggukie, will you forgive him for being so... weird to you?"

the pretty boy blinked a few times and gulped. "y-yes. it's all good." somin smiled at him and patted his head.

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