[05] cool & pool

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tysm for 500 reads! it means a lot for a newbie like me 🥰💜


the trio sat on the floor of the practice room. they just did 4 rounds of a dance routine- along with their classmates.

everyone was just sitting around and engaging in conversations as a few of the students took some time to practice the choreo again, infront of the wide mirror.

the three were sipping on some mineral water out of thirstiness. jimin then started talking about what eunbi and him did 2 days ago when they hung out at jimin's house and asked jeongguk about his little meeting with somin's boyfriend, kim taehyung.

jeongguk didn't say much about it- afterall the two of them didn't know about his one night stand with taehyung few months ago- not even eunbi who literally dolled him up before sending him off at some private little club.

on the next morning after the hookup, jeongguk checked his phone to see over 10 missed calls from eunbi. he called back and said he was fine and made up a fake story- saying that he chickened out after meeting a guy at the bar and went back home.

unsuprisingly, she totally bought the story considering how jeongguk had always been kinda shy and how nervous and unsure he was acting before heading off to the club.

it was between the two of them though. jimin had no idea about the whole thing. eunbi knew jeongguk wouldn't be so comfortable to talk about it and was sure that if jimin knew, he would never stop teasing jeongguk about it. and so, they never bothered to tell him about jeongguk's little cross dressing experiment. that was that.

"-and then she literally spit out the lemonade right into my fucking left eye and i swear i literally went blind for an hour or something." jimin said, laughing hard and clutching his tummy.

eunbi muttered a few 'sorry's and 'you deserve it's while laughing along with the blonde. jeongguk laughed a little and got up from his sitting position.

"i'm gonna go get a drink. y'all want something?" jeongguk asked, stretching out his body. the other two looked up at him in the midst of their laughter as eunbi nodded happily.

"yes, coke please!" she excitedly said and jimin quickly nudged her shoulder, saying that she had too much of coke since the weekend.

jeongguk shook his head, giggling at his friends' childishness and walked out of the room. he lazily walked to where the vending machine was and saw a tall guy standing infront of the vending machine, back-facing him.

jeongguk gulped as he thought the guy looked pretty familiar.

is that.. yugyeom? oh my god-

he took a few steps towards the taller and stayed quiet while standing behind him.

however, the guy felt jeongguk's presence and turned around, a bottle of pepsi in his hand. and jeongguk was right, it was indeed yugyeom.

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