[30] denim jacket

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fuck me.


jeongguk watched taehyung, who was wiping the hood of his car with a dry cloth to make sure it was clean enough for them to sit on.

the two went to mcdonald's drive-through and got some food and drinks. taehyung drove them to a big park in the middle of the city, and parked his car at the open parking lot.

"you know, we could just eat in the car, it's a little too cold out here." jeongguk suggested. taehyung shook his head, "where's the fun in that, then?"

jeongguk pouted and turned around with his back facing the older. after taehyung was done with his set up, he sneaked behind the younger. he then put his hands on jeongguk's waist and turned him to face him.

jeongguk's breath hitched as he pressed his hands onto taehyung's chest. he looked at the older with big eyes, "what are you doing?" his hip was pushing against the car.

taehyung softly smiled at him, and grabbed onto the boy's waist harder, then swiftly lifted him up onto the hood. jeongguk's hands found their way on taehyung's shoulders, gripping them so he wouldn't slip.

taehyung helped jeongguk balancing himself up on the car hood while the latter pushed onto his shoulders for support. after he was seated comfortably, taehyung pulled his hands off the younger and walked towards the other side, and got on the hood with their food and drinks in his hands.

taehyung placed the food and drinks in between them, and jeongguk started digging in the fries. taehyung then took off his jeans jacket and put it on jeongguk.

cheeks flushed, the younger wrapped the jacket tighter around his body and ate the fries happily. taehyung didn't even touch his food yet, he was just enjoying looking at jeongguk, who looked so beautiful under the dim light of the lamppost.

oblivious to the older's stare on him, jeongguk started to examine the people hanging around in the park, and there were a few with children excitedly running around the playground, couples sitting on the benches, full of laughters, and a group of teenagers having a little picnic on the grass.

it was so lively to see all these people having a good time, jeongguk absolutely adored the colourful pretty lights surrounding the area as they create such a magnetically stunning aura of the whole place.

jeongguk snapped out of his trance and turned to taehyung whose eyes were only on him ever since they sat down on the car.
jeongguk smiled at him and taehyung smiled back before averting his eyes away from the boy.

"have you been here before?" taehyung asked and then took his first bite of his big mac.

jeongguk dipped his fries into some vanilla ice-cream, "no, this is my first time."

"really? but you live closer to the middle of the city than i do. no one has brought you here on a date?" taehyung rose an eyebrow, taking a giant bite on his burger.

"i've never dated anyone. you should've known this by now already." jeongguk glared at him.

taehyung eyed him closely, "well, you don't necessarily need to date someone in order to go on a date with them. someone must've taken you out on a date before, right?" he was almost done with his burger after taking his third bite on it.

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