[04] red roses

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tbh idek why the previous chap is rated 16+ SKDJSKAKDJS was that clickbaiting


jeongguk watched silently as taehyung sauntered over to his sister who had a blissful bright smile fixed on her rosebud lips. the couple greeted each other with a quick embrace, taehyung handing her the bouquet of fresh red roses afterwards.

he continued on watching as the two were talking and joking around playfully. somin giggled softly to taehyung's little jokes and leaned closer to him as the brunette placed an arm around her.

"right, i'm the third wheel here." jeongguk mumbled to himself, walking towards the two who were now sitting on the dining table.

"oh- gukkie, come here and sit with us." somin gestured him to sit across the table, finally noticing jeongguk whom she had forgotten about few minutes ago.

the boy nodded and sat down across the two, already looking disinterested to get to know the male sitting across him.

"so, jeongguk, what grade are you in?" taehyung started, a warm smile playing on his lips. he leaned forward, chin rested on his palm and jeongguk had to try his best to not stare at the older's attractive lips.

"i'm in my last year of highschool."

"oh so you're 18?" he replied with a small smirk- which jeongguk secretly enjoyed yet also wanted to slap it off the older's stupid attractive face.

"yeah, i turned 18 few months ago." jeongguk stated and shifted around in his chair, to cover up the slightly tingly feeling growing in his chest.

taehyung eyed him intently, letting out a gentle hum in response. "bet you're popular among the girls." he said, followed by a little chuckle and somin just listened interestedly.

taehyung playfully raised an eyebrow when the little boy gave no reaction to his statement. "or boys, perhaps?"

at that, somin turned her head to her side, facing taehyung. "nah, he has a girlfriend." she said, looking back again at her little brother who looked somehow done with this whole get to know each other session with her boyfriend.

jeongguk looked at somin and pouted angrily. "eunbi's not my girlfriend." he claimed and rolled his eyes at her before averting his eyes back to taehyung.

"well i'm actually popular with both." jeongguk plainly said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"oh my god, so you're dating jimin then!" somin suddenly cheered, body jolted upwards from her chair. "i knew it when he carried you on his back all the way here when you-"

"oh my god somin no! i'm not dating jimin- hell no." jeongguk cut her off, his voice sounding almost panicked for some unknown reason. the pretty boy then ran a hand through his soft hair, sighing. "and that was one time! he had no other choice because he lost one of our dumb bets- i told you about it already!"

somin laughed, enjoying teasing jeongguk and watching his flustered reactions. it reminded her of when they were younger, when they spent more time together- which rarely ever happens now. but who knows that might change soon?

"jimin." taehyung slowly whispered under his breath that didn't go unnoticed by the younger.

jeongguk's eyes swiftly traveled from somin back to taehyung who leaned back against the chair, in a calm manner. both of his eyebrows raised in suspicion after catching the older's action.

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