[37] & it all kinda went down

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random song rec:
'accident' by woodz
(it's dark & dramatic, simply a masterpiece.)


"hey koo! i just got off work. you're still at practice?"

the mental picture of taehyung muttering those words with a wide smile instantly popped up in jeongguk's mind as soon as he heard the older's cheerful tone.

normally it would've made him feel all giddy and he'd jokingly mocked the older but not this time.

"koo?" taehyung called out as the boy wasn't saying anything at all. he then heard a few little noises of fabric rustling which indicated that jeongguk was shifting around, the sound coming from the the friction between his polyester jacket and the cushion of the couch.

he waited for the noises to stop, and they did once jeongguk had settled in on the couch with the back of his head leaned on the armrest.

"i just got back home. how was work?"
jeongguk managed to sound as normal as he could despite fighting the random strong urge throw his phone across the room for unknown reasons.

taehyung easily sensed that something was wrong, either it was his quick observance or he just knew jeongguk enough to catch any hints of negative emotions even when the younger did well masking them.

he chose to not say anything about it and let jeongguk to take some time to open up if he wanted to.

"nothing much really since i've been off the radar for quite some time.. it's a competitive industry after all." taehyung explained gleefully and received a quiet hum on the other line.

taehyung decided to turn down his enthusiasm a notch, "how are you feeling?" he asked softly.

jeongguk started to speak after a few long seconds, "just tired... and aggressive." he answered honestly, feeling embarrassed for having to expose himself to the older. it took him awhile to get this point, as in opening up this much to someone.

"how are you handling that?" taehyung slightly shuddered at the memory of the boy's random anger outburst, which was an unforgettable experience to him.

taehyung barely had any aggression within himself, even during his angriest times he could recall from his 25 years of life.

he was confused and concerned rather than scared of jeongguk's behaviour at the time.

"obviously i hate the feeling but i can't deny that i really feel the need to—i don't know, like, hit someone in the face right now," he confessed in such terror. "gosh, i'm such a violent prick."

taehyung felt so bad that he didn't have any clear idea on how to make it less worse for jeongguk who was going through something like that.

jeongguk was talking so freely about his thoughts and inner struggles, which wasn't very like him as he was the swallow it all in type.

taehyung not rushing to say anything to help soothing his emotions kinda made jeongguk feel even more ashamed for talking about it and a little insecure of what the older thought of him, "but i won't do it, i can handle my emotions better than that." jeongguk quickly added.

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