Chapter 1 The Secret room

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January 1st

Jeonghan came to visit his parents for the New Years because he missed Christmas with his parents. He had miss them for a long and the sad part is that after he is done he has to leave to help Jihoon to write a new song to impress carats. "Maybe I should change it up a bit," he thought.

"Jeonghan!" His mother yelled of happiness and gave him a big hug.
"Hey Mom how is my little sister?" He said calmly as he gently hugs his mom back. "She is doing fine but she is sadly out with her friends... But! She will come back later!" His mother said. "Nah it's fine I'm just here to drop off some presents..." Jeonghan said.

His mother frowns as she pull Jeonghan inside the house and sits him down on the couch. As she yells to her husband name to help her get the gifts that Jeonghan has brought. "Hey um mom I'm just here for a little while i have to get back. We have a project in saem if I'm correct.." Jeonghan said nervously as he gets up and walks to his mother. "Can you stay here for just a bit pleasssse," his mother begged. "I cannot, I'm sorry," he said with disappointment. His mother sighs and said," fine your gift it's behind the closet in my room."

Jeonghan smile and hugs his mother tightly before going to his mother room. He slowly and carefully walks in to find a door at the end of the room. I have never seen this before.... he thought. He slowly open the door and got in to find a study room.

"Well, time to start looking" he sighed. Jeonghan started to move some boxes around as he would doing so he heard a loud thump. He put the box down and walk towards where he heard the noise. The box? As he slowly goes down to pick it up. The box had a big name written on it. ~Jeonghan our sweet loving angel~

"oh it's my present," he sigh of relief. As he makes his way out. He stop to look at the room one last time. Goodbye you creepy ass room! He laughs and accidentally hits  a piled of boxes. "Shit!" Jeonghan runs to try to stop the boxes from falling but it was too late. "Just my luck!" He groans.

Jihoon will kill me... he sighs as he started to pick up the mess he had made. Few hours later he was walking to the last box on the floor, but found something interesting. On the box it read ~huge regret~ he puts the box on the table and started to open the box.

Huh? Baby pictures... he found a pictures of the baby and found a huge camera. The storage is full... well, it won't hurt to watch... he play the video...

- Hey Jeonghan this will get to you when your new baby sibling is born! Said Jeonghan's dad proudly.
- Look your mother is here!
- Hi sweetie! You make me proud she giggles happily
"What's going on?"
- Son! To day is the day when she is going to be born! Today it's March 13! His dad explains.
- I can't believe we have keep it hidden from you guys for a long time! His mother giggle
Jeonghan stop the video and took a deep breath. "That would explain her belly... But I just thought she was getting fatter..." he shook his head and it his head a couple times. Let's just finish it off...
- Tell me doctor! What's wrong!? His father said desperately.
- Tell me!!! He said scream madly.
- I-it's just... I have never seen this before!!! The doctor said confuse.
Jeonghan hesitated before continuing on with the video
- All that he can hear were gasp and cries from his parents.
- I'm sorry but she is going to stay that way... At least she looks like you! The doctor try to cheer them up.
- I don't want it!!!! His mother cried.
- Darkness
Jeonghan look deep into the box to find the adoption papers. He let out a gasp of disbelief. What was so bad about her that they had to give her away... "Jeonghan!?" His mother yelled.

Jeonghan quickly grad the papers and put the box back to run to his mother. "I almost got worried there my son," she smiles. "I have to go," Jeonghan said. "Be careful out there son," his mother said. "I will!," Jeonghan said as he runs off to the rest of his members.

~End of chapter 1~

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