Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

  We go through the simulations several times before we get our times down.  For Tobias, or as everyone has began calling him, Four and I this is easy.  The others are holding us back.  Matt is the only one who has even came close to our times.  I sit with him the next day at lunch.  "So the stiff is pretty good at those simulations" he says "maybe a little too good, I heard about this woman who was really good like that and they killed her. "  I stare at him a little in disbelief "why would they kill her for being good?" I ask.  "They called her divergent, they are aware during the simulations and they can stop it,  I've always been told they threaten the faction system because they don't conform to one thing."  I turn and look at Four, he's sitting with some of the Dauntless borns, Shauna and Zeke.  I look around for the blonde girl wishing I had a name to put with her face.  Then I see her, Zeke calls out to her "Lauren! over here!"  She looks at them and sees Shauna and Four and shakes her head.  She must like them.  She walks over and sits with some other girls, a red head, and two with dark hair.  I stare at her, "dude are you okay?" Matt asks me.  I snap out of it "yea man, I'm cool."  I finish my food and head back to the dorms.  The next morning we are to report to the training room. 

  Matt and I go down together and wait for the others.  "So who was that girl you was staring at yesterday?"  he asks with a smirk.  I punch him in the arm jokingly "I don't know her, but she's hot right?"  "Yeah dude!, but I think she's Max's daughter, off limits!"  The others come down followed by Amar a few minutes later.  "Ahh, good to see you're all here on time" he gestures for us to follow him.  "Today we're going to work on building up your strength."  We each stand in front of a punching bag.  Amar shows us first a few moves and then lets us practice.  We spend about an hour and a half doing this until Amar tells us to stop.  "Now you're going to do some laps! I want twenty around this room, and go!"  We all take off, Matt and I are at the front, followed by Four and the Candor boy, Mia, the girl from Amity, and the other Candor girl are at the back.  "Lets go ladies!" Amar yells.  Four passes Matt but I'm still in the lead.  When we finish we are all out of breath.  "Alright, that's enough for today, be here tomorrow same time and we'll have target practice!" 

  Matt and I walk back out towards the pit "we should go get tattoos man!"  he says.  I agree and we head out.  The tattoo shop is dark lit by flourescent pink and orange lights.  I recognize one of the tattoo artists as Tori, the Dauntless borns trainer.  I look at the different designs on the wall, I see one that has sort of a maze, with a fence behind it.  It also has the Dauntless symbol and targets.  I decide to get it on both of my forearms.  As we are leaving I see Lauren and her friends, they are standing out by a tree taking turns jumping seeing who can jump from the highest.  My body starts moving towards her with a magnetic pull I can't control.  Matt comes up from behind me "off limits remember?"  I give him a cold look "I guess I wouldn't be Dauntless if I followed the rules" I shove him to the side.  Then I see Zeke take her at the waist, she laughs and I stop in my tracks.  "Looks like she's already got someone, sorry man!"  Matt slaps me on the back, "what do you say we go get a drink?"  he says leading me in the other direction.  "I think I'll just go down to the training room" I say.  Myknuckles are bruised and starting to bleed by the time I head to the dorm.  My face dripping with sweat.  I lay down in bed exhausted.  The next day we meet in the training room, I look around and notice the Dauntless borns are with us today.  Amar lines us up in front of some targets and tables of knives.  He first shows us how to throw them, then lets us practice.  I stupidly look for Lauren, knowing she's with Zeke.  I just can't stop myself from thinking about her.  I find her at the start of the Dauntless born line.  I watch her throw, of course she's amazing at it.  I feel a hard thump on the back of my head.  "Are you going to throw those knives of just hold them Pierce?"  I pull my arm back and throw the knife, hitting the bullseye.  Amar nods and moves on.  We finish kife throwing and move on to guns.  The Amity girl, Mia, sets up next to me, she can't even hold the gun properly.  "You're really good!" She laughs.  I ignore her and keep shooting.  "Alright initiates tomorrow we fight! So get a good nights rest!"  I put my gun down and head back down with Matt.  "So you're really into Lauren?"  he asks, "I saw you watching her again today."  I give him a look "so you're watching me watch her...? thats's not weird at all"  He stops "No! I was just making an observation." I keep walking "whatever man, don't sleep near me."  He catches up "Oh shut up man! Look I'm just saying I know one of the girls she hangs out with, I could have her talk to Lauren for you."  I glare at him "I can take care of that myself thanks."  "Alright just trying to help you out!"

The Transfer (A Divergent backstory to Eric)Where stories live. Discover now