Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

  We arrive back at Eruidte, Lauren and I have Four and Tris.  Nicole takes Peter.  Chris goes to find Max and Jeanine.  When he comes back with them they don't look very happy.  "You all did this without even consulting me first?"  Max asks as his face goes red.  "With all due respect sir, Eric and I are Dauntless leaders and I think we have the right to make decisions without you, as you make them without us" Chris says.  "Well I am THE leader of Dauntless and I think you have absolutley NO right!" Max yells.  "We are FIVE EQUAL leaders of Dauntless!" Chris too is yelling now.  "Equal!" Max scoffs at the word "we most certainly are NOT equal!  I am the oldest and the wisest and I will not be shown up by a couple of teenage wannabees!" "Sir I'm twenty-one" Chris interrupts.  "Whatever!" I'm not sure what to say, so I just stand there with my gun on Four. 

  "Maybe it's okay to let them do our dirty work Max, they did capture two divergents." Jeanine finally says.  "Yeah, but they went behind our backs!"  Max yells again.  "Just like you and her have been going behind our backs, by having your secret meetings and not telling us anything!"  Lauren yells out.  Max looks like he's going to explode.  "Look all you guys have been doing is sitting around, we wanted to take action, we got you what you wanted, AND we saved Peter! You should be thanking us!" Lauren's face is red too now.  "Well thank you very much, all of you, for going behind my back and defying my trust!"  Max grabs Four and Jeanine grabs Tris.  "That sounds a little bit sarcastic." Maria says, probably without thinking.  Max turns around furious, he storms over to Maria, Chris jumps in front of her. "Maybe we should put you on trial for your defiance, dressing up like a Candor, and you Erudite acting like Dauntless, I should have you killed for being traitors!"  "Traitors! Sir! You're the one that sided with Erudite to begin with! We should put you and Jeanine on trial!" Chris is in Max's face now.  "You better watch yourself! I can make it so everyone of you will live factionless! Including you Lauren, you can go be with your filthy mother!"  "Do it! Dauntless is gone! The factionless are rising up and creating an army against you!  Maybe we'll join them and I won't have to take your orders anymore!" Lauren yells.  "Hey I'm in, if they are making an army, I'd rather be fighting you than them" I say.  The others nod in agreement.  Four and Tris look shocked.  "Get out!" Max says as he turns to go back with Jeanine. 

  Those of us that were there for the fight with Max go to find the others in our group.  "Hey, how'd it go?" Sarah asks.  "Not good, did you get yourself fed Peter?"  I ask.  "Yeah, so what happened?" "We're all factionless" I say bluntly.  "What do you mean 'we're ALL factionless'?" Emily asks.  "We all defied our factions, they are kicking us out, but hey! The factionless are creating an army, we could join that army, we can fight back!" I say.  "Does my mom know I was part of this?"  Jenna asks.  "They have us on camera, so yeah, she does" I respond.  "So I'm out of here too! Thank God!" she cheers.  "Wow! I've never seen someone so happy to be factionless."  Maria says.  "I'm happy to fight back!" Jenna responds.  "Well lets all stick together.  You guys are the closest thing to family I've ever had.  I don't want to lose any of you" Matt says.  "Aww!!" Maria runs over to him and group hugs everyone she can reach.  We all laugh and walk out together.

**Auther Note**

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