Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

  For the last year and a half I've been endlessly training for my leadership role.  It's been rigorous and exhausting.  I've been in countless meetings with Max and the other Dauntless leaders.  Some of those meetings even included Jeanine Matthews, leader of my old faction, Erudite.  They've been planning an attack, an attack on Abnegation.  She doesn't recognize me now with my tattoos and piercings.  This pleases me, I don't want to be linked to them.  She discusses a serum they've been working on.  A serum that will make divergents more suseptible to suggestion.  They should have it perfected in a few more months.  I've been working in the control room, learning the survelliance program.

  I spend the next few months leading up to this years choosing ceremony training up on my skills, and filling Four in on the new rules we've came up with.  He will be the transfers instructor and I will be overseeing their training.  When I walk into the training room I see Lauren throwing knives. I go up to her nervously, "Are you training up for the initiates too?"  I ask.  She throws her last knife, hitting the bullseye, "yeah, I volunteered to be an instructor this year."  She smiles and looks at me "Eric, right?"  She walks up to the targets to retrieve her knives.  "Yeah." I respond.  She smiles "I've heard alot about you from my dad."  I look at her "oh yeah? like what kind of stuff?" She walks back to the table "All good stuff, don't worry"  she winks.  I laugh a little, my heart racing.  "So! how has leadership been treating you?"  she asks.  "It's been rough, rewarding but rough"  I glance at her, she's staring at me, smiling.  My hands start to shake, "so, uh...what do you do?"  She pushes her hair out of her face and I can't help but get lost in her beauty.  "Well I like to be outside, so I gaurd the fence."  I smile "tough girl, huh?"  She laughs "Well I am Dauntless, my dad thinks I'm just a little girl, he wanted me to join Amity so I could frolic around and be safe."  I wince at this, "I could never seee you in Amity, you do smile and laugh alot but you're also a badass!"  She shruggs, "well I wasn't ranked first or second like you and Four...."  She rolls her eyes at his name "...but I guess I do alright."  I smiles at her, she walks over to me.  She takes my hand, I instantly tence up.  "Your hands are so rough" she says.  I start to sweat "yeah, I've been working alot on the punching bag."  She's still holding my hand "I like guys with rough hands..."  I glance at her "...shows hard work."  She smiles at me.  I pull away lightly "Well, uh, I should get going, I've got some more stuff to set up for tomorrow."  She sort of frowns "yeah, me too, walk with me to my apartment?"  It sounds like a question, but I take it as an order.  I put the knives down and walk with her out of the training room.  We walk without saying anything up to her room.  When we get there she smiles and says "well I guess I'll see you tomorrow."  she unlocks her door.  "Yeah, hopefully we'll get some good initiates."  She laughs "yeah, better than last year."  I laugh too "well goodnight."  She smiles "goodnight."  She disappears behind the door.  I smile the whole way back to my apartment, smilings not something I do often.

The Transfer (A Divergent backstory to Eric)Where stories live. Discover now