Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

  We woke up and ate breakfast, then Evelyn ordered us into formation.  We lined up with our weapons and headed to Erudite.  They must have gotten word that we were going to attack today because they had an army waiting, a simulation army.  "I can see them!" someone yells.  They start firing, so do we.  "Stay close to me" I say to Lauren.  We get closer, I see Chris and Maria beside us firing.  It's a blood bath, people are going down left and right.  We are surrounded by Erudites, Dauntless, Candors, and factionless.  Lauren and I are right in the thick of things, we do out number them though.  A fire starts nearby from an explosion.  Sarah is stabbing people all around her.  Up ahead I see two familiar faces, Four and Tris.  They look different, I didn't think divergents could be affected by the serums.  Jeanine must have made it stronger.  They come towards us, they look like robots.  They start firing at us.  Lauren fires back, this time she doesn't miss Tris's heart, she goes down.  Four does nothing to save her, telling me he really is under simulation  He fires at Maria, she falls to the ground.  I fire back at Four and he goes down also.  I rush over to check on Maria "I'll take care of her! Go back to Lauren!" Chris yells as he picks Maria up and runs for the infirmary.  Lauren is fighting off two simulated Dauntless, I take out my knife and stab them both.  "Thanks!" We keep moving foward, trampling over dead bodies.  The smell of blood starts to become overwhelming, I look down and see a face I recognize.  It's Nicole, pale and lifeless.  Lauren sees her and screams as she falls to her knees "NOO!!" "Lauren! We have to keep moving" I gently pull her up.  "Oh my god, she's dead, she's dead" Lauren keeps repeating this.  She wipes the tears from her cheeks, then pulls herself back together.

  There's not many more of the simulation army.  We finally make it to Erudite headquaters.  I see Matt, Sarah, and Peter and am relieved that they are okay.  Jeanine and Max are inside running the simulation.  Lauren sees Jeanina and aims her gun at her.  Max sees Lauren and jumps in front of Jeanine just as Lauren pulls the trigger.  The bullet goes right into Max's chest.  He looks shocked as he falls to the floor.  Lauren looks shocked too.  Jeanine is running to try and get out of the room.  Matt and some of the other factionless charge towards her.  Lauren does too "I have to kill her!"  She storms in after Matt, she takes her knife out and puts it to Jeanine's throat.  "You just killed your father, now your going to kill me too?" she hisses.  "He stopped being my father when he smacked me in the face!" Lauren says shoving the knife deeper.  Jenna runs in "Lauren, please-" "What!? I thought this is what you wanted!" Lauren yells.  "I thought I did too, but after watching your dad die-"  "You said you wanted to fight back! If you're not with us on this, then you're against us!"  Lauren's face is red, I have to fight off some simulated Dauntless who are trying to save Jeanine.  "Lauren if you kill her, I'm going to have to kill you!" Jenna says.  Lauren laughs at this and shoves the knife into Jeanine's throat.  Her eyes glass over and she drops to the ground.  She's dead.  Jenna looks furious, she starts coming toward Lauren.  I try to hold her back.  "Jenna you do realize I've been doing this my whole life?"  Lauren says.  Jenna pushes past me and charges at Lauren.  Lauren picks her up and throws her, takes out her gun and shoots.  Jenna's eyes close.  I stare at Lauren, she drops her gun and falls to the floor, sobbing.

  I start to walk towards her, then I see Mike coming foward, he's another Dauntless leader, and Lauren's uncle.  He doesn't look angry, he looks more concerned.  "Lauren..." She looks up at him.  "What!? What do you want?" she yells.  He puts his hand on her shoulder.  Lauren gets up and nudges him away.  "Lauren, I want to help you."  "Help me!? How are you going to help me?  You were on his side!  You should have helped me when he smacked me in the face! But NO! You just stood there watching!" Lauren yells through her tears.  "Lauren, there was nothing I could have done!" he yells.  "I killed your brother! I killed him! My dad, I killed him! Why would you want to help me!" she sobs.  Mike takes a deep breath "because Lauren...he wasn't your father, I am."

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