The Tryst

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When fray glimpses of moonlight upon the lake's surface brushed, the night was hushed. Even the wind knew it was a secret, some sort of craze--we stole a stroll that was not supposed to take place. But what is the Heart, if not a faithful betrayer of the Mind? Past Reason's gate it sneaked, leaving Fate unknowingly behind.

We tiptoed deep into the woods, all covered in hoods. It was foggy, the land was soggy. Our and whatever's shadows were dancing frantically amidst bulky tree trunks and on the ground... as if desperately spreading around that secret we had, but without a sound.

Farther down the path we continued to tread, the less we dread. What was that secret? I seemed to forget. You seemed so carefree, watching gleefully over the jolly me, prancing away, as I curiously thought I might had heard a bird. And then, suddenly struck by realisation, I remembered.

This was all but a dream, a slip of Fate when the moon started to gleam.

I turned and asked for you to come closer and take my hand, but you ceased not to stand.

"What to do? Upon waking I would forget you. Met we have not, and in reality now I know you not," hastily I said. You laughed and there you still stayed.

"My foolish dear, like always, you would wake up in my embrace, do you hear? I would be beside you, tomorrow and every following days too," you retorted.

And then the earthquake started.

We panicked. Fate knew then she was tricked. She would hate the fact that we met ahead of the destined date. This dream had to end, and back to our separate lives we went, to when you would not be to me even a friend.

I took a last good look of your face, I said your name repeatedly so on my lips it would stay fresh. Alas, in that blink when I opened my eyes, everything about you disappeared without a trace.

But I remembered the moonbeams most slight, on that placid lake they shed light. The stolen stroll, a path hidden beneath trees so tall. That moment when from each other our hands missed. A midnight tryst, in a forest full of mist.

Kala mimpi mendahului takdir, di mana engkau hadir.
Lalu bayangan wajahmu melipir, dan aku terbangun getir.

Campur Inggris gapapa ya? Abis ada stoknya dalam bahasa Inggris sih hahaha...

Ada yg keberatan? Moga2 ngga ya :P

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