1. One way ticket

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Marinette woke up with a jump to her alarm. The beeping screaming loudly in her ears. She jumped up and turned it off. She had no time for cute little songs to play, she had to get up fast.
The appartment was cold and quiet untill Marinette started running towards the shower.
She turned on the water and took of her shirt then turned to face the mirror. Some old and some new scars all over her body. Her stomach and legs were covered in bruises, fresh bruises. She was a detective, it's all she ever wanted to be, but with it came a prise she had to pay.
She stepped into the shower, letting the hot water hit her skin. She would always think of on going cases she had, but strangly she had no cases at this moment. So instead she let her mind roam wherever it pleased.
Marinette parked her car in the parking garage of the station. She pressed a button on the lift and watched as the doors slid towards each other.

She had not even sat down a split second in her office before the intercom went off.
"Dupain-Chang in my office please." She sighed heavily and walked towards the captain's office. She stoped infront of the old wooden door. On the door was a gold plate, Mark Edwards.

She knocked lightly before she heard a grumble on the other side of the door.
"Come in." She stepped into the office, the first smell being cigarette smoke. There were two seats open infront of the desk. She choose one and sat down. The wall to the left was decorated with pictures of all the old captains. Old guys with serious faces. Then she turned to face the captain. He looked very similar to the men on the wall. He sat silently infront of her.
"You wanted to speak to me sir?" She asked after she felt like his eyes were staring into her soul and seeing everything she ever did wrong. He stood up and stood infront of the desk. There was only a few feet between them. He was so close she could smell the cigarette smoke on him and had to fight the urge to not pull out a cigarette right then and there. She could see his grey moustache twitch as he started speaking.
"I'll cut to the chase. You're being transferred to Paris PD in three days." He practicly spat out and threw a ticket infront of her. "One way." He said as she picked up the ticket. Her face widend with shock.
"What!? Paris!" She shouted and shot up.
"Yes, deal with it." He said coldly. Marinette never liked Edwards, he's always been an ass to her. But transfering her to another land? That was a bit to much.
"With all do respect sir, don't you think that's a bit far?"
"Maybe, but the station there is short on detectives and you haven't had a good case in weeks. There's no debating. Pack up your office." She said nothing just stormed off and slammed the door shut behind her.
It's not fair.
Marinette thought long and hard about this. She had packed up almost half of her appartment. I lived in LA for 26 years, grow up here and now I have to just pack up and leave. She's always had this dream of living in the city of lights and love, but not like this. This was just unfair.

Marinette stood on the belcony leaning on the railing with her hands crossed. She was in a tank top and shorts, it was cold outside, but she was trained to withstand weather much colder than this wearing a lot less. Besides heat and cold never bothered her anyway. She always has bigger isues on her mind than weather.

She took out a cigarette, lit it and drew a breath of it. She let her head hung low before she let out the puff of smoke.

After a while she took out her phone, 20:43. She put her phone back in her pocket and threw her cigarette down. She stepped on it and went back inside.
She sighed as she locked the two slide doors and shut the curtains. She turned around and saw her badge and gun on the living room table infront of the couch. She sat on the couch, sighed and just stared at it. Then she picked up her badge. She took a shaky breath, holding back tears that were on the verge of falling. She hasn't cried since her parents died. And that was almost ten years back. So instead she turned her mind to other thoughts.

I'd have to get a new badge and reregister my gun. The thought of getting a new badge terrified her. It was a great change that was happening to her.

She put both items in her safe and went to her bedroom. She plomped down on the bed, she didn't even bother to change out of her clothes. She tried to sleep but her mind was thinking of a million other things. She slept lightly for two or three hours untill she decided to get up at four in the morning.
Play demi lavato - confident
She dressed in her jogging clothes and laced up her sneakers. She locked the appartment and went outside the building. She stood in the parking lot and stretched before she plugged in her earphones and ran. She was fit and she ran. It was something Marinette did when she was stressed or just pissed off. There was no one outside this time of day so she just ran and ran and ran. Past buildings and closed up shops. She took a sharp turn and her legs glided past her but she didn't fall, she kept on running. A million thoughts racing through her mind while the beat of the music played loudly in her ear. She ran past the station. She knew she passed it but she didn't stop or even look at it.

Eventually she was back at her appartment. But she still felt like she could scream at the top of her lungs. She slammed the door shut, so hard that she probably woke all her neighbours. She was out of breath.
Stop song
She slid down the door into a sitting position and just... cried. It's been seven years but she was crying. She put her arms around her knees and her head in her arms and cried. She couldn't leave. She couldn't drop her life here and leave. But she had to, so the only thing left to do was...cry about it.
Marinette didn't cry, because she felt it's a waste of time. You should cry over broken bones and stitches not all your life's crap. Why should you sit in a corner and cry over a guy that dumped you or broken promises.
You cry because you're hurt physically not emotionally, but right now, a long built up wall broke and flooded over.

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