3. Vegas baby

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It's been two days since Marinette moved to 'the city of love' and she starts working tomorrow. She spent the two days unpacking and getting a route to run. She had not went sight seeing like any other person would have done. She was in no mood for such thing.
She stood in her apartment. It was a bit bigger than her one back in LA. It also had a belcony and that's all she really needed. The living room was the biggest part of it. Behind the living room is the kitchen, so close you could cook and watch TV at the same time. Next to the living room and infront of the kitchen was the hallway. Just long enough to have the bathroom at the opposite wall from the kitchen and her bedroom at the end of the hallway. All her furniture had been placed and all her other smaller things, she had placed herself. She had received the station's car already and today she was just going to relax.
Marinette woke up to the same beeping sound she always did in LA. For a moment she was confused as to where she was, untill she remembered. She quickly got up and turned of the alarm. It read, 6:30. She had an hour and a half to get ready.
She ran to the shower and turned on the water.
She took off her shirt and again looked in the mirror. She had the same cuts and bruises, she's been through three years of service, and some people say you should be used to it by then, but she wasn't. She never will be. She risks he life every day for people she doesn't even know. Yet she does the same thing day after day.
After she showered, she got dressed in her formal grey suit pants, red V-neck shirt with her grey blazer and balck boots. Her hair was in a ponytail and her gun and badge were with her. She stood in the mirror and clipped the badge onto her belt. Paris police department was ingraved in small letters on the badge. She couldn't help but think back at LA. She grabbed her keys from the counter, locked up and went to her car.
She arrived at the station. The radio in the car read, 7:49. Good, she was ten minutes early. Marinette parked the car and went into the building to the Help desk. A young woman sat behind it with her eyes locked on the computer.
"Hi, I'm the transfer from LA." Marinette said and the woman looked up at her then back to the computer screen.
"Name." She said duly.
"Marinette Dupain-Chang." She said shortly.
"Just wait here for a second." The woman pressed a button for the intercom and said, "Alya Cézire to the Help desk please."
She let go of the button then looked back to the screen and continued typing, not even looking at Marinette.
"You'll be partnered with detective Alya Cézire." She said.
"Partnered?" Marinette was shocked, she wasn't used to working with a partner. "Wait a minute, Alya? Alya Cézire?" She asked shocked. A very fimiliar voice broke her off before the woman could answer.
"What the hell are you doing in Paris?" Marinette turned around to see a face she knew all to well.
"What the hell are you doing in Paris?" Marinette asked back as she approached the ombré haired woman and gave her a hug.
"I got transferred from Vegas baby and you."
"LA." Marinette answered. Alya was her best friend up untill after police academy, when she got placed in LA and Alya got placed in Vegas.
"I missed you." Marinette said after they broke the hug.
"Yeah, yeah. Let me show you our office." Alya's always been like that, a real badass. [I'd say it nicer, but there realy is no other way to say it.]
"When did you transfer." Marinette asked as the walked towards the elevator.
"Uhm, about two years ago, said their short on detectives here, have been for the last three years you?" She asked as she pressed the button for the lift to go up multiple times.
"Three days. When's our first case together."
"Either today or tomorrow."
"So soon?" She asked and the doors slid open and they started walking again.
"Yeah, we've just been waiting for you, the partner. Glad it's you not some rookie." Alya said with a smirk as they arrived at their office.

"Nice." Marinette said as she stood in the door way of the office. The office is much bigger than hers was. There were two brown wooden desk against each other in the middle of the room and two file racks and wooden shelves behind each desk.

"Just bring your own stationary and stuff tomorrow." Alya said siting in one of the black leather chairs provided. Alya's desk was already 'decorated' while Marinette's was clean.
"Come on, let me show you the break room." Alya got up and Marinette followed.
The break room was about the size of the one in LA. Blue plastic chairs, TV always tuned to the news channel, fridge, kettle. Basic stuff.

"Braking news, the Mona Lisa has been stolen," The lady in the news commented and people in the room started gasping and staring at the screen in shock.
"What?" Alya asked shocked and turned up the volume so everyone else in the lounge could hear.
"Reports of a break in have just been filed saying that the Mona Lisa has been stolen and will not be returned unless the thief has been paid a large amount of money. As you all are thinking, first fingers are pointed at the notorious Chat Noir. How did he do it? And will he strike again?"
Marinette gasped as she heard the name. She put her hand infront of her mouth. No. She had not even thought of him the entire time. She now felt guilty. But at least now there was a silver lining to living in Paris.
Alya gave an uneasy laugh as they walked back to their office.
"I'd hate to be the suckers stuck with that case." She said and sat down.
"I can't believe someone stole the Mona Lisa." Marinette said shocked and terrified at the same time as she now went and sat down as well.
"Not someone, Chat Noir." Alya corrected.
Marinette knew exactly who he was and what he stood for. All the things he did to her, all the wonderful things he did to her.
"Who?" Marinette asked pretending to not know who he is.
"It's a need to know and all you need to know is that he's the best criminal in Paris and you should stay away from him." Marinette wanted to respond but was cut off by the intercom.
"Cézire, Dupain-Chang. In my office please." Alya sighed and hung her head.
"Looks like we're the suckers." She said and they walked to the sargent's office.
It felt the same. Wooden door, gold plate, Stewart Evans. Alya didn't even knock she just walked in. Marinette just smilled at her friend who was just full of attitude.
"You're gonna give us the case, aren't you?" She said planting her hands on the desk of the sargent, not even greeting. It's weird how she can be this up front with someone, even if she has known him for two years.
"Bonjour Marinette. It's a pleasure to have you working with us." He greeted her. He looked a lot younger than Edwards, maybe 5 years older than herself and he looked a lot friendlier.
"Pleasure's all mine sir." Marinette answered and she could see that Alya grew angrier as the seconds ticked by. She really didn't want this case.
"Answer the question." She said.
He said nothing, just handed Alya the file. She said nothing as well rudely grabbed the file and stormed out of the office.
Why was she so against this case?

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