4. A cop from LA

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Alya stormed into their office and sat down in her chair. She threw the case files on her desk and started rubbing her forehead.
"Sonofabitch." She softly mumbled out under her breath.
"Why are you so against this case Alya?" Marinette asked as she went to sit down.
"Chat Noir is bad news. I had a case where he stole a jewellery store blind. That asshole shot me." She sighed heavily, stood up, and started pacing around the office. "I mean. He stood infront of me in the door way. I had my gun pointed at him. He stood with his gun pointed at me. It was a fifty fifty chance and he just aimed down and shot me. In the movies it's always like 'o this guy gets shot nothing serious.' In reality, it's a horrible experience. And you know what, he could've aimed for my head."

She remembered he had told her
about that incident. A long time ago when they still saw each other regularly.

"What makes him special?" Marinette asked. She knew what made him special. The fact that he could minipulate anyone into believing his stories, twirling them around his finger, making anyone fall for him. Which is what he did to her. But he didn't minipulate her or wrap her around his finger, he just...made her fall for him, hard. Restless nights and over flown thoughts followed after she met him.

"You want to know what makes him special from every other ass all around the world? That bastard is actually good at what he does. He minipulates and controls everyone. He'll get anything he wants. And no one can catch him." She paced around and then stoped and hit the file rack. "Fuck." She whisper-screamed under her breath.
"You know what Marinette, I'm done, I can't do this right now. I'll see you tomorrow." She said, grabbed her jacket from the chair and stormed out.
Marinette still stood stunned. She took the case file and sat down while she started paging through it.
Very little information was given, so they didn't have a lot to work with.
After a few hours of going through the case, making calls and taking notes, Marinette decided to call it a day. She stood up and turned to the file rack. It was still empty. She opened the top drawer and placed the file in it. Her first case in Paris. She should be more excited but again, even though Alya and Chat are here, she didn't want to be in Paris.

Marinette left the building and started walking towards her car. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and felt a piece of paper. She took it out and looked at it. It was Nathaniel's card. She smilled. She needed something to lighten the mood, someone to take her mind of everything, a friend. So she took out her phone and dialed the number.
"Hello." She heard his voice on the other end.
"Hi Nathaniel, it's Marinette. I was wondering if you're offer for a tour is still standing."
"Why of course. Where can I pick you up?"
"Police station."
"I'll be there in ten." He said and hung up. She walked out of the parking garage and to the front of the building. She stood there waiting. The cold brease of four o'clock whirled around her.

After a few minutes of waiting, surely enough, his cab pulled over and he stepped out.
"Evening." He said sweetly before opening the passenger's seat door for her.
"O first class, fancy." She teased as she got in. He laughed and got in as well.
"So where would this young lady like to go?" She thought for a moment.
"Well the obvious choice would be the eiffel tower, but since I don't know Paris, you can decide. Where's a cool place to go." He thought for a moment then started the cab.
"Louvre museum." He said and started to drive.
Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't that still a crime scene?" She asked in utter confusion.
"Technically only the Mona Lisa's section."
She smiled. "Very well."
After their visit to the museum, they went out to dinner and were now walking down the road back to the cab. Her hands were stuffed in the pockets of the blazer and her hair hung loose at this moment to cover her neck from the cold wind of the night.
"I don't know about you but I had fun." Marinette said as they walked.
"Yeah me too." They reached the cab and he stopped her before they got in.
"I mean I really had fun. And I think we should do this again." They both smiled. "When are you free?"
She thought for a second before replying. "Tomorrow at seven suits me well." He smiled and took her in for a hug. She was shocked at first and thought that she should probably pull away, but she didn't want to brake a bond with the only other person in Paris she knew so she hugged him back. It had been two seconds when she felt uncomfortable and pulled away. She had no intention of dating him. She just needed a friend. Besides she was waiting for a certain black cat to show him self once more to her.
After Nathaniel dropped Marinette off at her appartment, she went for a shower then went and sat at the counter. She took out the packet of cigarettes in her pocket and looked at it. She sighed but smilled. She tossed the packet in the bin and put the lighter in the drawer.
She knew she wouldn't stop for long, but for now, she was done.

(Awesome part for my tomato head haters😁😘)
BTW if you are easily grossed out skip to the end of the chapter for a short summery.
Nathaniel parked the cab at the office building and started walking. He didn't have a car of his own but he only lived a block away from the office. He was happy, he was distracted.
He was wisteling a tune and walking with a slow pace. Little did he know that green emerald eyes were watching him. Lurking in the dark alley he was about skip past.
Nathaniel walked slowly past the alley until two clawed leather hands pulled him in. A woman walked past and the shadow put it's hand over Nathaniel's mouth, muffling his screams and cries for help.
He held a knife to Nathaniel's neck.
"You scream you die, you move you die." Was his first words. Nathaniel kept quiet.
"Who's the girl you were with." He asked first. Nathaniel struggled to breath but managed to speak.
"Marinette...Dupain-Chang." He said and the male tightened his grip around Nathaniel's neck.
"Who is she?"
"She's a...cop...from LA." At this moment he was practically turning blue from the lack of air. There was a pause of silence as he thought of what to ask next.
"How old is she and why is he here?" Were his next questions.
"Twenty...six...she got...moved..from..LA." The male figure pressed the knife into Nathaniel's neck letting blood flow out. He pushed the knife deep, so deep that there was no way Nathaniel would live. He pulled the blade from his neck and stabbed him in his back. Nathaniel fell to the ground. With his last breath of air he asked, "Who...are you?" The man lowered himself to Nathaniel's level.
"I'm Chat Noir. And I can tell you because you won't live to tell the tale." He smirked and Nathaniel stared at his cruel unforgiving eyes. Then he gave his last breath before death swooped over and took him.
Chat walked deeper into the alley and started jumping to the roofs. As he jumped he had a smirk plastered over his face. And he left the dying man for death to deal with. Beter death's problem than his.
Long story short, Chat asked Nathaniel a few questions about Marinette and then killed him.

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